Homemade ice cream - recipe

Homemade ice cream at times delicious store, and unlike the latter is absolutely harmless. It can be gladly given to children without fear of negative consequences for their body, which can be caused by various chemical impurities contained in a treat made in industrial conditions.

How to make milk ice cream at home from milk - a recipe



First, boil the milk, adding butter in the process. Now we process the fresh yolks mixed with sugar until lightening, then pour the starch and stir again to dissolve the lumps. We pour a little milk into the yolk mixture and mix it. At this stage, we need to get a texture of liquid sour cream.

Again, warm up the milk-oil mixture to a boil, we introduce to it a thin stream of yolk basis, while intensively stirring the contents of the dishes with a whisk. We achieve a small thickening of the mass, after which we place the dishes with it in a container with cold water and leave to cool to room temperature. Now we shift the base of the ice cream into trays and put it in the freezer for freezing, from time to time whipping the mass with a whisk or a mixer.

Homemade ice cream "Plombir" - recipe from home cream



Creamy ice cream "Plombir" can be cooked, of course, and from cream shops with the mark "for whipping". But much more natural a treat will be made from homemade cream. If you have the opportunity to use those for making ice cream, then the best option is not found.

The product must be well cooled beforehand, and then mixed with a powdered sugar and a pinch of vanillin and beat until a thick and thick foam.

Now shift the resulting lush creamy mass into the ice cream container and place it in the compartment of the freezer for a few hours. Hourly beat the mixer mass to avoid the formation of ice crystals.

Homemade chocolate ice cream without cream with cottage cheese - recipe



Prepare this ice cream is incredibly simple. It is enough to mix in the bowl of sugar, cocoa powder, milk powder and vanillin, then add the cottage cheese, pour the milk and punch the mass to uniformity and splendor with a blender. If there is an ice cream maker, let's finish the right to prepare a treat for her. If there is none in the arsenal of your kitchen gadgets, we shift the base of the ice cream into a container and put it in the freezer for several hours. In this case, it is necessary to whip the mass with a mixer or blender hourly.

Homemade fruit ice cream - recipe



Preparing the preparation of fruit ice cream, rinse the berries with cool water, remove the sepals, pedicels and tails and process it with a blender to a puree state. Now we pass the berry mass through a small sieve, fill the hard substrate in a ladle with water (475 ml), add sugar and warm up, stirring, to a boil. Now we filter the broth, in the remaining water we dissolve the starch and introduce it into the hot syrup. We place the vessel with the mixture obtained for a small fire and warm it to a thickening, stirring.

Now we set aside the container with ice cream base to the side and after it has cooled down to a temperature of 55 degrees, we introduce berry puree and stir. We let the mass cool completely, we apply strawberry liqueur to it (it is possible without it), we pour it into the ice cream container and send it to the freezer compartment. Several times during the freezing process, we break the ice cream base with a blender.