How to have sex during menstruation?

To change the intimate part of life, you can find many different ways. Some couples, trying to gain new experience and unforgettable sensations, practice sex during menstruation. Despite the fact that many of them celebrate special pleasure these days, it is important not to forget about the dangerous side. Therefore, in the first place, a woman needs to worry about how to properly have sex during menstruation. Having decided to conduct such an experiment, it is necessary to observe all the rules and weigh the pros and cons.

Is it harmful to have sex during menstruation?

If a woman during menstruation feels well and wants an intimate affinity, then you can afford it. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that during the critical days the cervix of the uterus opens, therefore, it becomes vulnerable to various kinds of infections and inflammations. During this period, the risk of picking up a disease is greatest. However, if you follow all the precautions, then the negative consequences of making love these days can be avoided.

First of all, there must be one hundred percent confidence in the partner's health. If this is the case, then both need to hold the toilet of the genitals both before and after sexual intercourse. In addition, you should definitely use a condom.

To give a positive answer to the question of whether it is safe to have sex during menstruation, it is possible only if both partners were careful and carefully followed their hygiene . In addition, if severe pains occur during intercourse, it should be stopped immediately.

Is it useful to have sex during menstruation?

Doctors say that in the lessons of love in critical days there is a certain benefit. Such natural massage of the uterus helps to get rid of the endometrium accumulated in it faster. Besides, more vivid orgasms reduce pain and ease the menstrual period.

There is a plus in terms of psychology. Partners become more intimate, affectionate, and relationships are trustworthy.

What kind of sex to do during menstruation?

Yet if a woman does not know how to decide to have sex during menstruation, and a man does not want to remain without intimate attention, it is worth giving him pleasure in another kind of sex . Oral caresses to representatives of the stronger sex like no less than classic sex.