Just about the complex: how do psychic disorders in paper clips look

Small staples perform a difficult job. It's no joke to keep different objects next to each other. But this is not all that these "kids" are capable of.

Among other things, with the help of conventional clips you can depict some of the most famous mental disorders. I would like to believe that these illustrations will help to raise public awareness and draw attention to serious problems that are often closed today.

1. Anxiety disorder

This mental disorder is characterized by a constant sense of anxiety, which has no connection with certain situations or objects. Many patients with this diagnosis complain of persistent nervousness, trembling, excessive sweating, tachycardia, dizziness.

2. Depression

The most common mental disorder to date. With depression, people are constantly in a depressed mood. In many patients self-esteem significantly decreases, they lose interest in life and various activities. Some patients try to cope with problems with the help of alcohol and drugs.

3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

OCD - a state in which a person regularly visits obsessive thoughts and ideas, which are almost always accompanied by anxiety. The behavior of patients with such a disorder is stereotyped and, as a rule, is meaningless or ineffective.

4. Posttraumatic syndrome (post-traumatic stress disorder)

It develops as a result of situations and events that negatively affect the psyche - such as military actions, serious physical injuries, sexual violence and is manifested by anxiety, depressiveness, thoughts of suicide. Almost all patients with post-traumatic syndrome avoid memories of what has traumatized their psyche.

5. Bipolar disorder

Disease in which patients experience sharp mood swings. During the manic stage, the person becomes overly hyperactive, with depressive - all processes are inhibited.

6. Dissociative personality disorder

It is rare and is characterized by the division of a person's personality. In simpler terms, with dissociative disorder in the subconscious of one patient, several different people live simultaneously. Personality constantly switches among themselves and, as a rule, does not even suspect about the existence of each other.

7. Eating Disorders

Disorder of eating behavior. It includes a whole group of syndromes, starting with anorexia nervosa - in this violation, a man starves himself to death, ending with overeating, which can stop spontaneously.

8. Substance Abuse

The problem in which a person develops dependence on drugs, alcohol, potent medicines. This disorder affects not only the patient, but also all who surround him. Over time, it grows into a dependency.