10 signs that you have parasites, and 7 products that will help them to cope quickly

Varieties of parasites exist very much, and some of them have learned to "hide" so that you do not even guess about the infection. But anxious symptoms are very important to detect in a timely manner. And this is how the most common signs of helminthic invasions look.

1. A man grinds his teeth in a dream.

2. On the skin without cause there are irritations, rashes, eczema, rosacea.

3. Without a cause constipation occurs, diarrhea, the gases begin to accumulate, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome appear.

4. "Traveler's Diarrhea" in helminthic invasions begins almost immediately after a person walks beyond the threshold with a suitcase.

5. Frequent poisoning is accompanied by persistent digestive problems? It is very likely that this is a parasitic defeat!

6. Because of worms, problems with sleep start. Patients fall asleep badly and wake up many times in the middle of the night.

7. Another characteristic symptom is pain in the muscles and joints.

8. Glistovye infestations affect the psyche. Sick people become apathetic, depressed, constantly tired and lose interest in life.

9. After eating, there is always a slight feeling of hunger.

10. And iron deficiency anemia does not help to overcome any remedy.

Have you noticed at least one of the symptoms described above? Do not hesitate, take tests and consult a specialist. Surely, along with medications, the doctor, when confirming the diagnosis, will recommend enriching the diet with the following products:

1. Garlic

He fights against parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi and even is able to withstand cancer. Garlic also repels insects and promotes an early recovery from mosquito bites, ticks, fleas and other insects. You can consume the product in any form: at least it is clean, even in smoothies add.

2. Black walnut

Shells of black walnuts cleanse blood and intestines, and also fight with fungal lesions. Among other things, the tincture prepared from them very effectively heals parasites.

3. Bitter Artemisia

The plant helps with various problems with the stomach and quickly expels parasites. Antimicrobial properties make wormwood suitable for treating various infectious diseases.

4. Carnations

This is the only product that completely destroys worms. That is, cloves do not leave even the eggs of worms in the body. To get even more effect, spice can be combined with wormwood and black walnut.

5. Koptis Chinese

The plant is used to treat various infections for a long time. Koptis also proved to be a good at fighting against parasites. To test the effectiveness of this medication, you do not have to exert much effort - on the basis of the plant it is enough simply to make tea.

6. Oregano oil

Another powerful tool used in the fight against infections and parasitic invasions. As part of the oil - a large number of antioxidants. You can use it as a tincture, or adding it to tea.

7. Thyme

Thymus strengthens the immune system and effectively resists different parasites. Thyme can be added to various dishes as a spice. Some gourmets use the plant in its raw form.