How to relieve toxemia in pregnancy?

Toxicosis often accompanies women in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the body's reaction to the life that has arisen. The mother's body, as it were, protects the baby from harmful foods, simply not taking them. This explains why women living in villages who lead a healthy lifestyle and who eat correctly are less likely to suffer from this disease than townspeople who do not spend much time in the open air and spend most of the day in the office at the computer, interrupting at the same time with dry snacks .

Proceeding from the aforesaid, it can be concluded that to facilitate toxicosis, it is necessary to walk more, if possible outside the city, to eat natural products.

It is known to everyone how to relieve the toxicosis during pregnancy in the morning hours. It is necessary, without getting out of bed, to drink a glass of pure still water, to eat a dry biscuit (cracker) or cracker. The morning should be started in a measured way, do not make sudden movements.

Throughout the day you need to eat food often and in small portions. Food for toxicosis should be special: you need to eat fast-food, while rich in carbohydrates. It is undesirable to eat with toxicosis fatty ice cream, chips, fried meat and other "heavy" foods.

Drinking with toxicosis can and should be done more often to avoid dehydration. In addition, you should avoid products that cause thirst, but products with high water content - just right. They improve digestion, prevent constipation and dehydration, which are known to only intensify nausea.

Usually the strongest attacks of toxicosis are observed in the morning. This is caused by low glucose in the blood. To increase the level of glucose you need to eat in the morning a little dried fruit, drink sweet mint tea. This will help reduce the toxemia and put a good start to the day.

In the evening, you can not go to bed immediately after a meal. Better wait a couple of hours and then lie down to rest. During sleep, you need to choose the position in which the stomach does not squeeze. Therefore, sleep better on the right side.

And remember that the best remedy for toxemia is its warning. When you already know roughly when the most powerful seizures happen to you, try not to leave your stomach empty during these periods. You need to eat a banana or cracker in time, while the body has not yet begun to tell you about a new attack. Do not allow toxicosis to become a habitual condition. This is due to the moral suffering of the woman, which is not useful for the future baby.