Fetal congestion - what is it?

Congenital malformations (CVD) are the most dangerous complications of pregnancy. As a result of fetal congestion, a child can get a disability, and in severe cases it leads to death. Congenital malformations include the fetal CPR of the fetus:

Causes of fetal growth

The development of fetal malformations can occur under the influence of many factors. Most of them remain unclear. The etiological signs of all fetal VFD are divided into:

There are data that pollute the biosphere accounts for seventy percent of cases, sixty percent of cases with pathologies and more than fifty percent of child deaths. Birth of children with subsequent abnormal development is associated with professional activity: emotional stress, exposure to high and low temperatures or dust, contact with products of the chemical industry and heavy metal salts.

A higher risk of fetal congestion in women with significant obesity. This can lead to anomalies in the development of the neural tube. But such changes in the fetal body not only leads to excess weight of the pregnant woman, but also a sharp decrease in weight in the early stages of pregnancy.

Pregnancy after fetal congestion

Planning a pregnancy after an interruption due to development in a fetus VDP can be as early as six months after the previous one. In some cases, the pair is recommended to wait a year. In the planning process, future parents undergo a series of genetic tests and studies, according to which the doctor recommends when you can conceive a child. In preparation for the next pregnancy, a couple needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid the influence of negative factors, take vitamins and other useful substances to strengthen their body.