17th week of pregnancy - sensation

Waiting for the baby is undoubtedly the most beautiful and unusual period for every woman. Every day in the life of the future mother there are various changes - both physical and psychological. In this article, we will tell you about what feelings a woman can experience during the 17th week of pregnancy.

On average, it is during this period that the tummy begins to clearly appear in the pregnant woman. The future mother sometimes gives way to transport, at work, perhaps, transferred to a reduced working day or light work. A woman waiting for the birth of her baby begins to fully realize that soon she will become a mother, and all other problems recede into the background.

Most often, especially if the expectant mother is expecting her first child, it is on the 17th week of pregnancy that she begins to experience sensations similar to the first stirring of the baby. However, at this time, almost half of the crumbs are unnoticed, because the fruit is still too small, and moves less intensively.

Possible causes of discomfort for 17 weeks

In addition to the incomparable sensations of baby shocks, starting from 16-17 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can begin to experience discomfort in the abdomen. The uterus during this period increases already quite strongly and squeezes the intestines, pushing it more and more. It is at this time, many future mothers complain of constant heartburn, bloating, rumbling and flatulence, as well as weak pulling pain. In order to avoid or minimize discomfort in the intestines, it is necessary to eat properly throughout the pregnancy, follow the doctor's recommendations and, if possible, sleep well.

Only a small part of expectant mothers during this period do not disturb sleep disturbances. Quite often after 17-18 weeks of pregnancy, women experience discomfort in the legs, similar to cramps. In the fifth month of expectation of the baby, the thyroid gland significantly increases in size, which means that the secretion of hormones by it also increases. At the same time, the functions of the parathyroid glands are reduced, which leads to a lack of calcium in the body, which, in turn, leads to convulsive sensations in the calf muscles. In addition, the constant urge to go to the toilet also violate a healthy dream of a future mother.

The effect of an increased amount of thyroid hormones, in addition, can cause heart palpitations, dry skin, increased activity of sweat glands. A pregnant woman can get tired very quickly and experience a constant lack of rest. For the prevention of conditions of this kind, starting from the 17th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations containing calcium, for example, Calcium D3 Nycomed or Kalinga.