14 photo-facts, about how alcohol changes appearance: former alcoholics "before and after"

Alcoholism - one of the terrible diseases of mankind! Abuse of drinks with ethanol adversely affects not only the state of health, but also the appearance of a person.

You will see how the appearance of people who quit drinking has changed for the better. You will be surprised, but all these people are ex-alcoholics who lost weight and looked younger at least 10 years.

1. This is Keith Urbovitz, he quit drinking less than a year ago when he took this photo, but see what a significant difference in appearance.

When he posted a collection of photos in the style of "before and after", under it appeared a lot of admiring comments that there were edemas, there was a sense in gases, and some even wrote that he looked younger for 20 years.

2. This guy's name is Shane Watson, he has not been drinking for more than five years.

Look at how much he became more attractive, with a "lively" brilliance in his eyes. Is not his example an incentive for others?

3. This woman's name is Susan, she has not been drinking for more than a year.

Just look how quickly overweight, pigmented spots and swelling from the face have gone.

4. When this guy posted his photo on the web, he did not drink for only six months, but he does not already recognize that bearded, pimply and sad, fat woman.

Now he is actively engaged in sports, looks healthy and happy person.

5. Meet this - Matteo, he picked up his photos for clarity, that everything is real, and you can change your life yourself if you follow the path of health.

He posted this photo on the web so that someone could follow his example and stop drinking. In the comments under the photo the author himself writes:

"I swear, you will not regret it."

6. You will not believe, but in these photos one and the same girl with a difference of five years.

On the first photo the girl still abused alcohol, and on the next she, but only after five years without alcohol.

7. What a beautiful woman can be when she quits alcohol abuse.

This girl has not been drinking for almost 6 years.

8. And here's another guy who very quickly lost weight and got rid of puffiness on his face.

And all because I gave up alcohol, which used to ruin my health.

9. This young man already does not drink too much for more than a year, and now his level of attractiveness is just off scale.

He never regretted that he had found the strength and will to give up alcoholic beverages.

10. And here a real metamorphosis just happened.

This beauty more than 7 years ago, loved to circulate in noisy parties, while drinking more than one glass of hot drinks. After she stopped drinking, her appearance changed before her eyes, and now she looks no worse than the models from the cover of the magazine.

11. This guy laid out his comparative photo a year after giving up drinking.

12. Just a real miracle happened to this guy when he said to alcohol: "No!".

He managed to lose weight more than 2 times, and now his life is filled with new colors and lightness.

13. I can not believe that such a young man already had problems with alcohol.

But he took up his head in time and refused a harmful and addictive habit.

14. As in other cases, the photo will say for itself.

A man who used to like pretty much to drink, also changed a lot when he decided to tie it. He had swelling, "alcoholic" redness on his face, the figure became more slender, and the body and spirit are healthy.