Unpretentious houseplants

When we bring the flower home, we take on the same responsibility for it, as for the pet. There must be proper care and maintenance of certain conditions, as many plant species come to us from the most unusual exotic countries.

For each indoor plant it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature, humidity, irrigation regime and much more. Therefore, for those who are new to this business, unpretentious indoor plants that do not require complex care of them are best.

10 of the most unpretentious indoor plants

Well-groomed and beautiful plants always please the eye, increase the oxygen content, and also clean the house of harmful substances in the air. But, as already mentioned, caring for some of them requires a lot of effort and patience, so I would like to offer you the 10 most unpretentious plants:

1. Sansevieria . In the people this flower is better known as tawny tongue. It does not need to maintain a certain humidity, it grows absolutely in any light, however, under the sun its leaves become brighter. Sansevieria does not need to be fed, and it is necessary to transplant only when it no longer fits in its own pot. As for watering, it is enough to make sure that the soil does not dry out, because the moisture remains in the fleshy and thick leaves of the sunseveria, long enough. Do not be afraid and drafts with a cold, so this unpretentious indoor plant is great for an office.

2. Khoya karnoza. This flower is used to us like wax ivy. This curling unpretentious houseplant, which has a fairly long flowering period. She is unpretentious neither for lighting, nor for irrigation, nor for moisture. Just like Teschin's tongue, it has thick enough leaves that retain moisture for a long time. If, after all, you somehow managed to dry it up, just cut off the cutting, put it in the water, and very soon you will get a new flower. Even with carelessly enough care for her you will receive abundant beautiful inflorescences.

3. Crassula is oval. Money tree can now be found in almost any family and this is not surprising, because it is also a simple flower that does not require a certain care. It breeds quite simply: stick a leaf of a money tree in the ground or water and wait until it releases the roots. There are only a few rules for caring for a money tree:

4. Nolin . This is one of the largest unpretentious indoor plants. Perfectly suitable for those people who for several weeks are not at home, but thanks to an interesting appearance it can be kept in the office. It will easily become a good addition to any interior. However, in order for a thick column (caudex) to be well saturated with water, it should be watered rarely, but very abundantly.

5. Chlorophytum. This is a very beautiful flower, notable for its thin green or green-white long leaves. All the necessary substances the plant receives from the air, so it is considered the best cleaner.

6. Aspidistra. These plants are also called a "friendly family", since the flower has a fairly large number of huge beautiful leaves on the stem. Care exactly the same as with all the above plants. It is not necessary to transplant it until the root system is removed from the pot.

7. Zamiokulkas. Does not require frequent watering, certain lighting, can live in a small pot. If you forgot to water the plant for a long time, the zamiokulkas will discard all the foliage, however, when the irrigation resumes, a new one will appear.

8. Scindapsus. This unpretentious ampel house plant, which has a beautiful heart-shaped form of foliage bright green, sometimes with white dots or stripes. It can grow even in the darkest place of the room, where only occasionally the sun's rays fall. However, if you grow a scindapus in the shade, the leaves lose their white pigmentation and become bright green.

9. Kalanchoe. It is a blooming, unpretentious houseplant, which is famous for its medicinal properties. It requires a fairly rare watering, with ease tolerates temperature changes, but, despite all this, it blooms long enough.

10. Spathiphyllium. We all used to call him female happiness. This is a beautiful unpretentious houseplant, for the cultivation of which you must adhere to only one rule: never put in a cold place or draft.

In addition to the above, there are still a lot of unpretentious indoor plants. However, the fact that they are unpretentious does not at all mean that they can be forgotten. Everyone knows that in order for the flower to please you with its magnificent foliage and flowering, it is necessary to love and take care of it.