Palm oil - health benefits and harm

Opinion about this product has developed quite controversial. There are people who prove his undeniable benefit, and there are also fierce opponents of this substance.

To understand how palm oil can bring benefits and harm to health at the same time, one must start with its origin. Produce this oil in two ways. In the first method, oil is made from palm seeds, and in the second method, a palm tree is extracted from the fleshy part of the wood.

The Benefits of Palm Oil

  1. Ironically, the palm product contains a huge amount of carotenoids, which, in essence, are the strongest antioxidants.
  2. Also palm oil in its composition has a huge amount of vitamin E , which allows the body to fight more actively against free radicals that provoke the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  3. Do not forget about provitamin A, which is also in large quantities in this product, and has a positive effect on the human eye.

Is palm oil harmful in food?

This oil has a high level of saturated fat in its composition, which, in turn, according to scientists, negatively affects the work of the heart.

Also very important is the moment that palm oil is rather refractory. As a consequence, the body can not fully remove this product from the body, and it partially remains in it, turning into waste products. In the end, we get an increased risk of cancer.

Therefore, certainly, it is possible to assert about harm of palm oil for the person. Remember all of the above and try to avoid using this product in large quantities.