
That's interesting, the prejudice about the subordinate position of a woman has almost outlived itself, but until now girls who do not reach a certain age marry (who did not have a close or long-term relationship with a man) are considered old maidens. And this nickname is by no means honorable, people see this not as purity and integrity, but as a defective girl and her unfitness for family life. Is it really so terrible to be an old maid?

Who are the old maidens?

Previously, a girl who did not get married (and therefore preserved her physiological virginity) until the age of 25 was considered an old maid. She was pityed by all married women, because to take such a wife could only be a widower, and so the girl had to pass her age in the role of a prizhivalka. Today, old maidens are called those who did not have time to get married and have children by the age of 30-35. It is curious that now the old maiden can be called the one that had many sexual partners, that is, the physiological side of the issue is of little concern to society. But unmarried women are still condemned and branded with an offensive nickname. Because the girls and think, no matter how to stay an old maid, and try to drag their guys into the registry office. There are even such people who are going to be at any price up to 30 years married. Let the relationship does not go well, and we'll have to survive a divorce in a few years (or even months), but the ring on the finger was vindicated. It is good that there are few such victims of public opinion, because the old maiden can be and having a busy sex life, and having been married, and having given birth to a couple of children. It's all about the psychology of the old maid, it's a kind of diagnosis, a disease that you need to fight if the desire to create a happy family has not disappeared anywhere.

Psychology of old maidens

Age, in which an unmarried girl is considered an old maiden, is difficult to name, because it is not a defining characteristic. Hardly anyone will turn the tongue to call a well-groomed, stylish business lady of 40-45 years old maid. And it's not even in physiology - many girls, late parting with innocence, completely do not cause associations with the image of the old maid. It's all about the character, the way of life of such a woman, there is even the so-called syndrome of the old maid. It is expressed in a special attitude to others, in a manner of communication. Such ladies are usually excessively sarcastic, make fun of everything they can, especially men. They adore predicting an unhappy end to their friends and acquaintances and gloating when their predictions come true. Old girls are extremely interested in the sexual aspect of life. There are two possible options: either the woman constantly talks about the decadence of morals, speaks about the screens, the internet and pornography magazines, or she behaves like a sex guru, trying to give her married colleagues advice on this part, drawing knowledge from women's publications.

How not to remain an old maid?

If you are overly exposed to public opinion and sincerely think that by the age of 30 you have to get married, then you have only one way - to continue searching for a candidate for the role of husband. And having found it, by any means drag the admirer into the registry office. To gain self-confidence and struggle with complexes, you can contact a specialist.

If you do not consider yourself defective due to the lack of a permanent partner, then you do not need it. True, periodically check yourself for signs of an old maid is, in order to burn them with a hot iron. You do not want to turn into a groomed grouch? So do not forget to follow your appearance, the manner of communication with others. And do not be afraid to flirt with the opposite sex - this game will not hurt you, even if it does not grow into a novel.