Puppet Theater, Chelyabinsk

Let's talk about one of the attractions of Chelyabinsk - the local puppet theater. It represents one of the oldest Ural theaters and has an interesting history of formation and development.

History of the Children's Puppet Theater in Chelyabinsk

The development of puppet theater in Chelyabinsk began in the 30s, when the Moscow dramatic actors Garyanovs, Nina and Pavel arrived here. They organized the first puppet theater in the city, starting with performances about Kashtanka and Petrushka.

Initially, the children's puppet theater in Chelyabinsk did not even have its own premises - a screen and a box with puppets were located in the building of the House of Art Education. However, in 1935 it was decided to give puppeteers the building of one of the city's schools, and in just 2 years the theater became a laureate of the puppet theaters competition held throughout the country. However, the war interrupted such promising progress, and the building temporarily turned into a hospital for the wounded.

In the postwar period, the development of puppet art continued. In 1959, the theater from the urban "Doros" to the regional, took part in various festivals. Of the outstanding actors of those times should be named M. Zolotukhin, A. Mazurov, N. Demazi, S. Kovalevsky, and from the directors - T. Nikitin, N. Leshchinskaya, V. Kulikova.

The golden age of Chelyabinsk theater began with the arrival of Valery Volhovsky, the main director (now the theater bears his name), in 1977. He brought to the art entirely new, experimental trends. Under the guidance of Volhovskiy, interesting performances were staged, which at one time conquered the audience: "Straw Lark", "Aistenok and the Scarecrow", "The trial of Joan of Arc", etc.

Puppet Theater in Chelyabinsk today

The current repertoire of the theater includes more than 20 performances, which includes both children's and adult performances. Children can be brought to representations according to their age (from 2 years). The most popular and visited performances of the theater are "Mashenka and the Bear", "Winnie the Pooh for All, All, All !!!", "Little Prince of Denmark".

Puppet theater you will find in Chelyabinsk at Kirov, 8 - this renovated building was given to him in 1972. In the early 90's the theater was again being repaired, and its new grand opening took place in 2000.

Not so long ago the puppet theater of Chelyabinsk celebrated its 75th anniversary, but, despite its considerable age, continues to conquer the audience with its unusual performances. The directors and actors of the modern puppet genre have many new ideas and plans that can be appreciated only by visiting this unusual theater.