Menu of nursing mother for allergies

The nutritional diet of the nursing mother provides for large restrictions, since all of the products it consumes fall into breast milk and can have a negative effect on its body, causing increased gassing in the intestine and an allergic reaction. If a woman or a baby has a tendency to allergies, then the diet of a young mother will be even stricter.

Allergy in breastfeeding

Most women with allergies have exacerbations during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The appearance of allergic reactions can be predicted in those children whose close relatives suffer from various types of allergies. The allergy in the infant can manifest itself in the form of rashes, itchy skin, frequent liquid green stools. Cutaneous manifestations of allergy in the baby can be in the form of peeling, crusts on the head, redness of skin areas (intertrigo). Allergic reactions to GV in a child most often occur if the mother breaks the diet and consumes certain foods (citrus fruits, chocolate, berries, dairy products).

Menu of nursing mother for allergies

The primary way to get rid of your mother and guard your child from allergies is to comply with a diet that is hypoallergenic for nursing . Mom's diet should consist of porridges on water, diet soups without frying on the second broth, white or green apples in the liver form, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables of white or green color are allowed from dairy products. From the diet should be excluded products that are capable of provoking the development of an allergic reaction: eggs, broths, canned foods, vegetables and fruits of bright colors, nuts, halva, citrus, chocolate and others. An obligatory condition with a tendency to allergic reactions in the baby is a plentiful drink (it is better that it is ordinary water, but you can have weak tea).

Treatment of allergy in lactation

If the lactating mother has manifestations of allergy, then it is necessary to fight them, since the formed immune complexes that are formed in the mother's body can be transmitted to the baby through breast milk, and thereby provoke the development of allergies in the child. The primary drugs in this case are sorbents (atoxyl, white coal, smect), they are not harmful to the child and have a positive effect. Antihistamines of the new generation are harmless to the baby and are highly effective for allergies.