25 consequences of a broken heart and how to deal with them

A broken heart is an expression that we use when talking about unhappy love, betrayal, and the negative experience gained from the people around us. And this certainly is not an excuse for jokes. Sometimes, it takes years to fix everything, and sometimes the scar remains for life.

You, for sure, understand what is at stake. Almost everyone has experienced or experiences like that. And everyone took from this something of his own. Let's see what the consequences are after the rupture of relations and how they can be combated.

1. Depression

The severance of relationships is invariably associated with self-esteem. It seems to a person that he was not good enough for a partner, that everything happened because of him and begins to doubt himself. As a rule, such torments and tortures of conscience lead to depression. And according to research scientists from the University of the Commonwealth in Virginia, such a depression is much deeper than, depression, caused by the death of a loved one.

2. Long recovery

Women suffer a break much worse than men. According to a study published in the American psychological journal, it is much more difficult and sometimes impossible to restore women after the experience. The more gaps in a woman's life, the more deteriorating her mental health. This conclusion was reached by scientists, studying 2,130 men and 2,300 women under the age of 65 years.

3. Weight Loss

Often breaks are associated with a worsening of appetite and, as a result, weight loss. This is a key factor in a stressful situation. Scientists from the English company Forza Supplements found that women lose an average of 3 kilograms during the next parting.

4. Weight gain

When a person falls into a state of depression due to a rupture, it is not uncommon for people to eat regularly. In this case, as a consequence - a set of body weight. Be careful. Do not overdo it. Such a condition adversely affects your health and well-being.

5. Wine instead of ice cream

The fact that after parting, women run to the refrigerator for a portion of ice cream - a trick, invented by directors of American films. Women, as a rule, lean on wine, drowning in it their grief, as they say in a well-known expression. The second place after the wine is chocolate.

6. Decreased immunity

Yes Yes. And similar is not excluded. Parting can reduce immunity and weaken the body's disease. Long-term stress can cause inflammation and disrupt the intestinal microflora. Therefore, try to quickly get out of the depressive state, so as not to ruin your health.

7. Drugs

Love affects the body almost the same way as cocaine. Love can become addiction. The feelings experienced after the break are very similar to the narcotic breakdown.

8. Obsessions

Each thought of past relationships beats you on the head with a hammer. Photos, smells, food, objects - everything will remind of former love. Whatever you do, all thoughts will come back to former times. Try to get more distracted.

9. Physical pain

During parting, the brain receives the same signals as during physical damage. A similar conclusion was made by Colombian scientists. Although, whether this is in fact, they can not say. But they are sure that the brain considers your oppressed condition, in which you are, in an extreme degree important.

10. Crazy things

You start to do some strange things, to implement insane ideas. For example, to pursue his former in social networks, to wait at the entrance to the house, to call at night. In most cases, a person does this unconsciously and uncontrollably. The thirst to see and hear once a loved one makes a lover look like a drug addict.

11. Searches for answers

Often, a stressful situation encourages a person to change his worldview and his image of himself and his "I". Breakdown gives an impetus to the beginning of the search for answers to the questions: "Who am I? What is the purpose of life? ". These conclusions were drawn by scientists from the Northwestern University of Illinois.

12. The risk of infecting others

Studies that were conducted in New England, gave amazing results. It turns out that if one member of your family, a friend or colleague at work suffers from a break in relations, then you have a 75% chance that you will experience the same thing.

13. Insomnia

The benefit of a night's sleep is difficult to overestimate. But a grieving person does not care how many hours he sleeps, and whether he sleep at all. Psycho-emotional state directly depends on whether we suffer from insomnia or sleep soundly at night.

14. Extreme

According to the research of American scientists, a large number of partings increase the likelihood that gaps will leave a scar in your heart and make you think that relationships for life are not for you.

15. Broken heart

It turns out that the expression "broken heart" can be used not only in a figurative sense. In some cases, after the ruptures, people have a condition similar to a heart attack. A similar condition can occur in both sexes, but, most often, is observed in women.

16. Death

It sounds horrible, but true. Scientists from the Heart Institute in Minneapolis examined more than 2002 patients and found that people who have broken hearts as a result of a break in relationships are at greater risk of death than people with various heart diseases.

17. Long recovery period

It seems to many that grief will last for years, if not all of life. But, as studies and practice show, people tend to overestimate their recovery period.

18. Hope and faith

Psychologists from the University of Colorado in Boulder conducted a study and found that hope and faith are much quicker to recover from the experience. MRI of the brain showed that the brain copes more effectively with the problem together with hope and faith. So down with all the negative. Hope and believe in the best.

19. Positive helps

One of the consequences of unrequited love is a bad mood, sad thoughts, depression, loss of the meaning of life. Psychologists advise you to leave this state. Think only of the good, live in a positive way, do your favorite hobby, start traveling and do only what you like.

20. Maintaining the diary

Keeping a diary will help you recover faster. Describe your thoughts and feelings. Write down all the advantages that you got from the gap. Participants in the studies wrote down their condition for 30 minutes a day, and later admitted that it helped them to recover quickly and recover.

21. Participation in research

You can be one of the subjects, although, perhaps, this is the last thing you want to do. But participating in research of this kind can help you to cope with pain more quickly and recover from grief.

22. Conversations

Conversations are something that is inextricably linked with parting. You can not hide from this. You just need to talk to someone. Whether friends, parents or a psychologist. Do not hold back. Express everything that is in your heart.

23. Playing in the past

You will inevitably begin to think about "what would have happened if". Perhaps you will be building yourself a victim or feeling guilty for what you think could do something, but did not. But the past can not be returned. It's done, and now we need to move forward. Release your memories, do not dwell on the past, think about the present, plan the future.

24. New relationships

If you do not let go of your old relationship, then it will be very difficult for you to build a new one. Two-thirds of men and women during the survey admitted that they thought about their former, already in a new relationship. This is very unfair to the new elect, so cheer up and get out of the depression.

25. Sex

According to scientists from the University of Missouri, a third of college students who recently split up, resorted to intimacy to recover faster from the gap.

Love can not be avoided. It is peculiar to all people. But remember, this is not the last thing in your life. Do not hold on to what is not, do not build illusions. Life is fleeting, and if you do not move forward, you risk remaining in dreams for the rest of your life.