The abandonment of classical architectural solutions in favor of studio layout has its advantages. First of all, this is a feeling of spaciousness and freedom that arises from the absence of blind walls and partitions, visual expansion and deepening of space, and, finally, more free movement around the house.
Most often in the category of studios include a kitchen, which is combined with a living room , hallway, dining room or a loggia. And in a one-room apartment it can be just one large room with a free layout, where the kitchen usually has its own separate place.
Features of interior design of the kitchen in the studio apartment
In order to make this room really cozy for you, experts recommend that you follow certain rules at the planning stage:
- Correct organization of functional zones is the main task of the designer. Thoroughly consider the arrangement of furniture, so that the room was not only beautiful, but above all practical. The kitchen is a place where the hostess spends a lot of time, so here everything should be at hand. But the second part of the studio can be made more spacious, because there is often a rest area. Separate the kitchen from the living room or dining room within the studio can be with the help of a bar, high rack, sofa, gypsum cardboard partition or decorative curtains. A fashionable modern design approach is the removal of the kitchen area to the podium, which will rise above the rest of the room. To supplement this image of the interior of the studio room combined with the kitchen, steps with or without railing will help, spotlights built into the podium, multi-level ceilings, etc.
- The choice of stylistic orientation of the kitchen-studio is also important. The only rule here is to decorate the room in a single style, since it's still one room. Today, as never before in the trend, creating an interior kitchen-studio in country style, provence or national style. However, the timeless classics will always be appropriate if it is properly submitted.
- And, finally, color design . When zoning kitchen studio, combined with the living room, the interior is usually using different colors and shades of wallpaper, curtains, flooring. It is also possible to distinguish between functional areas using furniture or lighting. However, remember that you should not try to make two different rooms from the studio - let the colors of both zones resonate with each other, creating a harmonious studio environment.
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