Fat involution of mammary glands

Hearing the diagnosis of fat gland involution , some women panic. But is it really as serious as it seems at first glance?

Fat involution of mammary glands is a process of replacement of their glandular tissue by connective tissue and fatty tissue. This natural process in the body of a woman starts after menopause or after the end of the baby's feeding with breast milk, that is, the reason for the involution is in both cases hormonal changes.

Pathology or not?

The processes of involution occurring with a woman's breast after 40 years of age, and also after the end of breastfeeding are considered physiologically normal. In this case, the involution of the mammary glands is not a disease. But it is quite another matter when this process is found in a young, nulliparous woman. The fatty involution of the gland developed at a young age alarms doctors, since such changes are evidence of quite serious problems with women's health. That is why women of reproductive age should undergo a survey twice a year from a gynecologist so as not to miss the onset of serious diseases.

If there is a suspicion of a fat involution, a woman is assigned a special examination to exclude the endocrine disease. If the mammogram confirms the diagnosis, then the woman is shown the course of treatment.

Symptoms of fat involution of mammary glands

Specific signs of fatty involution of mammary glands, which could be seen during self-examination, no. It is possible to detect changes in the structure of the breast by means of special medical equipment. The most accurate method of diagnosing this condition is mammography, which makes it possible to recognize pathology already at the early stages of its development. Breast ultrasound in this plan is a less informative method.

With the involution of mammary glands on X-rays, the glands look rather bright. In this case, the dairy ducts, blood vessels, connective tissue strands are well seen.

Also for diagnosis of this condition as additional methods are used thermography, doktografiya, computed tomography, taken tests to identify the level of hormones.

Against the backdrop of involution, there may be another disease - mastodiginia, which is associated with severe soreness in the chest. An x-ray image reveals a fat involution, expressed fatty segments and fibrous cords.

Treatment of fat involution of mammary glands

If this condition is found in a young woman, the doctor must determine the cause that caused it, and only after that start treatment.

  1. If the reason is endocrinological disorders, the woman is prescribed replacement therapy to restore the hormonal balance in the body.
  2. In the presence of complications in the form of focal pathology (rough surface, irregularities, seals in the chest), therapies are selected by the physician individually.
  3. If there is mastodiginia, then therapy is prescribed with anti-inflammatory analgesic and sedative drugs. If the desired effect is not achieved, the treatment uses androgenic hormones.

Prevention of fat involution of mammary glands

Measures to prevent the development of this state are as follows: