Makrus is good and bad

Makrasus is a large fish that lives in the cold waters of the northern Pacific Ocean and is a close relative of the more famous cod. Outwardly this inhabitant of the seas does not look very attractive and resembles toothy prehistoric monsters with a snake body. On sale it can be seen in the form of steaks and fillets. On the benefits of fish, incl. and makrususa, dietitians tirelessly speak, and its harm consists only in a possible allergic reaction.

Useful properties of the makraosus

The main benefit of wild deep-sea fish, such as makrusus - in the absence of harmful substances in their body. Such fish are not fed with growth-inducing additives and are not treated with antibiotics, it lives in deep layers of ocean waters and is not affected by bad ecology.

Doctors and nutritionists consider makrususa one of the most useful fish. Its meat is high in protein and low in fat. The ratio of amino acids in the makroosus is so good that the dishes from this fish are easily absorbed by both children's and adult body. The only contraindication can be considered only possible intolerance to this fish, so children should be given with caution.

The calorie content of the makroosus is very small - 60 kcal per 100 g, so the use of this fish is obvious for those who follow their figure. Especially because of the makroosus you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes that will saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins. Among the most important for the health of the mineral elements in the makraosus contains phosphorus , iodine, zinc, fluorine.

Fish makroksus suitable for almost any type of heat treatment. More useful makroksus in baked or cooked form, but it can also be fried. The only difficulty in frying slices of this fish is to avoid "spreading" portioned pieces because the meat is very tender.

In addition to meat from the makroosus can be used for food and liver. This product is considered a real delicacy, not inferior to the gastronomic properties of the liver of expensive salmonids.