Stuffed lavash

Thin and flat wheat cakes have long ceased to be another alternative to regular bread. In modern kitchen, pita bread is dried, turned into chips, baked, replacing them with ordinary dough, and even stuffed. In the latter role, Armenian bread is especially good, because it is able to cope with any filling and look at the same aesthetic. About what stuffed lavash read in our recipes further.

Stuffed pita bread with crab sticks

We agree, the crab salad inside the pita is trite, but we will digress a little from the usual recipe of this dish, add red fish and turn an ordinary snack into another pleasant surprise for a buffet table.



Using a stupa, rub the garlic teeth into a paste. Mix garlic paste with mayonnaise and our sauce is ready.

Spread a layer of pita bread and grease it with garlic sauce. Cover the sauce layer with lettuce, chopped crab sticks, slices of sweet pepper and fish fillet. As tightly as possible, roll the pita into a roll and leave it in the fridge. When the sauce drenches the filling and the cake itself - the roll will be ready for slicing.

Lavash stuffed with mushrooms

Of course, that stuffings for stuffed pita bread can be very diverse, but what if you turn Armenian lavash into a kind of Asian egg rolls? It turns out unusually and delicious, but the ingredients are used the most ordinary.


For sauce:


To prepare the mushroom filling, first save the sliced ​​onions and ginger. To the fragrant roast, add both kinds of mushrooms, zest and garlic. When the frying pan becomes dry, pour the filling with wine, spicy sauce and soy.

Cover the double layer of pita with mushroom filling and roll a cake roll. Also, pita bread can be cut into small squares, which are then folded into individual envelopes. Fry stuffed with mushrooms pita bread in vegetable oil, and then serve to the table along with a light sauce based on a mixture of yoghurt, butter, vinegar and lime juice.

Stuffed pita bread with chicken



Boil the chicken fillet and chop it in any convenient way. Mix the hard cheese with sour cream and spices, put the kuru into the sauce and mix thoroughly. On one of the edges of the lavash lay a strip of the mixture of chicken and sauce, sprinkle all the cheese and roll the "cigar". Bake stuffed lavash at 180 degrees until lavash is browned, and the cheese does not melt.

How to cook hot stuffed pita bread?



We prepare a light mustard sauce based on the grain mustard with sour cream and cream cheese. Cover the ready-made sauce with lavash, put cheese and ham slices over it. Lavash turn off in any convenient way and put under the grill, or in the microwave, so that the cheese melted.