Dandruff in the ears

Dandruff is an exfoliated epidermis. Almost a third of the world's population suffers from this disease. The causes of dandruff in the ears can be different: it's hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, lack of enzymes, beriberi, stomach diseases, and ecology can also affect the formation of dandruff.

Dandruff appears on the scalp, on the eyebrows and even in the ears. Mostly people with dry skin.

Dandruff in the ears is like a dry crust that appears in the ear canal. This is not an independent disease, but the consequence of the appearance of dandruff on the hair. If something like this is found, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the whole organism in order to understand why dandruff appeared in the ears. In this case, not only local treatment is carried out, but also general treatment of the whole organism, mainly aimed at combating dry skin.

Causes of dandruff in the ears

If you are thinking about why dandruff appeared in your ears, pay attention to the rules of personal hygiene, the image of your life, the correctness of nutrition. It is possible that you have a metabolic disorder. If you are between the ages of 14 and 25, it is possible that you abuse fast food foods, carbonated sweet drinks or, in general, for the sake of so-called beauty, starve yourself, diet. Perhaps, you can change the diet, and exclude fatty foods and sweet soda from the diet.

Ear dandruff may also appear with an unsuitable shampoo for your hair type and with improper selection of cosmetics that may cause allergies.

The appearance of dry scaly crusts in the ears can be a manifestation of liver or thyroid disease.

In any case, if you notice any inconvenience in the auricle, you should consult a doctor otolaryngologist. The doctor will help to identify the real causes of the disease. If the doctor finds out that the dry crust is not a consequence of any disease, then you will be prescribed a course of treatment with hormonal drugs.

Treatment of dandruff

In the treatment of dandruff in the ears, in addition to hormones, special medicines are also used, which are part of shampoos, creams and ointments.

Salicylic acid, selenium disulphide, octopirode - removes dandruff and prevents the formation of new "flakes", but can not cope with the cause - the skin fungus.

Tar and sulfur. Quickly exfoliate and remove the ear dandruff.

Also used are zinc pyrithione, klimbazol, ketoconazole, cyclopyrox . The latter is also an antibacterial agent of a wide spectrum of action, has anti-inflammatory properties. At the moment, believe that this is one of the most effective anti-dandruff remedies.

For each patient, the doctor prescribes an individual course of treatment for ear dandruff, depending on the type of skin and the cause of the disease.

If you notice the disease in time, you can start to make home masks from dandruff.

There is such a recipe: one tablespoon of chamomile flowers pour half a cup of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain, add 2-3 drops of vegetable or better than olive oil. Wet the tampon in this mixture and insert into the ear canal for 15 minutes.

In order to remove dandruff from the ears, dry crusts must first be softened. To do this, cotton wool is impregnated with oil (olive, sunflower or corn is suitable), inserted into the ear and left for a few minutes. After removing the crusts, wipe the skin dry. The course of treatment - 3 times a day, for 7 days.

Do not rub your ears with alcohol.

And most importantly, to try to eliminate the appearance of dandruff - watch your health. Eat right, avoid stress - and be healthy!