Burning sensation in the region of the heart

The first thing that comes to mind when burning in the heart is a heart attack. Indeed, it is this disease that is often associated with this symptom. The faster the medical care will be provided, the greater the patient's chances of survival. Nevertheless, not always pain and burning sensation in the heart are associated with abnormalities in his work.

Causes of burning in the heart

Often burning in the chest and heart area can be a signal that you are very tired, or nervous. A similar phenomenon can be observed even in perfectly healthy people. If after a few minutes discomfort passed - then this is the case. A burning sensation in the heart can also appear after a hearty dinner, or with heartburn. This is due to false signals that the digestive organs can send to the brain.

In general, the causes of this symptom can be reduced to the following violations of the body:

What should I do if I feel a burning sensation in the heart?

Light burning in the heart, as a rule, does not need emergency measures. To determine its cause will help additional symptoms. Vegetosovascular dystonia is usually accompanied by dizziness and increased sweating. It is enough to lie down, drink a few drops of valerian, or another soothing, to make a cool compress on the forehead, and you will feel much better.

With menopause and other hormonal changes in organisms, women should struggle with the sensation of tingling in the region of the heart in the same way.

If the discomfort emerged after a meal, or physical exertion, most likely the cause lies in the disorders of the stomach and gallbladder. The medicine here should be selected by the doctor, independently you can alleviate the condition of the patient, laying it on your left side and giving a small amount of pure water. Sedatives can also have a positive effect.

With osteochondrosis, burning sensation also appears after severe physical work, or overstrain. The nerve root, clamped by the intervertebral disc, provokes pain behind the sternum, under the scapula and in the heart zone. The problem can be solved with the help of special exercises and medicines. Conservative treatment to date has shown good effectiveness.

Now it's time to talk about the most obvious - heart disease. How to distinguish a life-threatening heart attack from angina pectoris? And in either case, the pain appears suddenly and feels like a squeezing chest. But there are differences.

With an infarction:

  1. The burning sensation has a sharp, growing character. Appears even in a state of rest, is not associated with physical activity and nervous experiences.
  2. The pain can give to the left, or to the right, in the hand and even the navel zone.
  3. Severe burning in the heart prevents breathing. Many compared the pain to a knife, or bullet wound.
  4. Nitroglycerin, Corvalol, Validol and other medications do not bring relief.
  5. The patient may have speech disorders and movement coordination, the temperature rises.

With angina pectoris develops according to another scheme:

  1. Pain appears in the midst of a dispute, with strong physical or emotional stress.
  2. The nature of pain is fairly uniform, with the passage of time the intensity of pain does not increase. The main dislocation is behind the sternum, and rarely radiates to other zones.
  3. The attack lasts 15-20 minutes. If you put a tablet of Nitroglycerin under the tongue, the attack lasts for 2-5 minutes. Essential relief brings peace. All cardiac drugs have a positive effect.