How to remove stains from acne?

Acne is a problem that most often occurs during adolescence. But sometimes adults also face it. Often after the pimples are left traces in the form of spots. How to remove stains after acne, we'll tell you now.

How to remove red spots against acne with the help of pharmaceutical products?

Doctors of dermatologists advise to remove red spots after acne use zinc, ichthyol, sintomycin ointment. On the lesion should be applied a small amount of ointment, leave for an hour, and then wash off. With this treatment, traces of acne will be within a week.

Also a good effect is ointment from badyaga and peroxide. To prepare it you need:

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of powdered spaghetti.
  2. Add 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Stir and apply a little to the damaged areas of the skin for 15 minutes and rinse.

Such a remedy improves blood circulation at the site of application and also exfoliates the dead skin cells. But this drug can not be suppressed, so as not to damage the skin.

Ointment Kontraktubeks helps very well to remove fresh spots from acne and small scars. But if the pigmentation is already chronic, then this remedy does not help.

How to remove stains from acne fast folk remedies?

In those places where spots were formed from acne, pigmentation of the skin is impaired. This problem can help to eliminate simple and effective masks.

Mask of lemon juice:

  1. 10 ml of fresh lemon juice is mixed with 1 raw egg white.
  2. Properly rub and lubricate areas of skin with spots.
  3. After 15 minutes wash off.

Mask of white clay:

  1. 10 ml of lemon juice is mixed with 5 g of powdered spaghetti .
  2. We pour in water to get a thick mass.
  3. Spot it on the spots from the pimples and leave it for 15 minutes, wash it off.

Dark spots from acne can be removed with a mask of starch and tomato:

  1. 15 g of tomato pulp is ground with 5 g of potato starch.
  2. We apply the resulting mass to the area of ​​dark spots for 12-15 minutes.

Remove red spots from acne also helps essential oils. Cosmetologists recommend applying tea tree oil and rosemary in turns. About a week spots will become less noticeable, or even completely gone.

Even to eliminate stains, cucumber and garlic well helps:

  1. Wadded disk should be soaked in cucumber juice and rub it face 2-4 times a day.
  2. With garlic, the procedure is even simpler - the cleared garlic clove needs to be cut in half and wiped them with damaged areas.