Color lenses for green eyes

Color lenses are very popular among green-eyed beauties. This is due to the fact that they not only help to solve problems with eyesight (correct myopia , hyperopia and astigmatism), but also add zest to the image. But colored lenses for green eyes are hard to find. Very few products can radically change such a rich eye color.

What color lenses are suitable for green eyes?

Lenses for green eyes are of two types:

  1. Color lenses saturated bright colors - ideal for those who decided to radically change their appearance. They completely cover the natural shade of even dark green eyes.
  2. Tinted lenses - give the natural color a bit more depth. This makes the look expressive and attractive. They look natural (they have stripes and dots, like a real iris, the edge zone of the lens is always transparent). On dark eyes, such items will not be visible.

Owners of green eyes are very suitable for any brown, blue and turquoise lenses.

How to choose colored lenses for green eyes?

To understand which colored lenses are suitable for your green eyes, you need to visit a specialized ophthalmological institution. There you can try on all the models of the desired colors. This will help you achieve the desired result, because the products that are provided in online stores, in life, do not always give a shade, as in the picture.

One of the best luminous lenses for green eyes are products of brands:

When worn, they provide incredible comfort and visual acuity. But before you pick up the colored lenses for green eyes, take a survey, as not all models of these brands are suitable for people with poor eyesight.