Preparations from mastopathy

Medicine, fortunately, does not stand still. Treatment of mastopathy is a matter investigated and solved. Today pharmacology offers a wide range of products from mastopathy. The only problem is to choose what will be effective for you. So, from what to choose?

Preparations for the prevention of mastopathy

The case is clear: to engage in prevention - easier and cheaper. Usually, these are the following actions: a diet that limits caffeine intake, lack of stress, control of hormonal balance in the body and healthy bowel functioning. Of the drugs - any sedative complexes (motherwort, valerian, mint, vitamin B6, magnesium).

Hormonal preparations with mastopathy

Given that the main cause of mastopathy - hormonal imbalance, the most effective treatment, respectively, is the use of hormonal drugs in the following categories:

  1. Androgens - have the properties of male hormones.
  2. Antiestrogens - block the action of estrogens (Tamoxifen and Toremifene).
  3. Bromocriptine - is responsible for prolactin, involved in the formation of milk in the mammary glands.

Non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of mastopathy

Usually used in the complex. Includes the following options:

  1. Preparations of iodine. The fact is that iodine performs the most important functions in the body: it normalizes the thyroid gland functioning, which is responsible for the hormonal balance and, accumulating in the tissues, suppresses the development of tumors. Assigned Iodine-active, Iodomarin .
  2. Enzyme and anti-inflammatory drugs. They raise immunity, help to get rid of edema, have analgesic effect, relieve inflammation. Lidase, Mulsal preparations are popular.
  3. Medications. Includes the use of herbal complexes. Effective are the following herbs: the two-year-old enotera, the Spanish artichoke, the horsetail of the field, the Pueraria lobular, Angelica. The drug Mastodinon is known, which contains a complex of herbs and is considered effective in combating mastopathy.
  4. Vitamins and homeopathic preparations. They are used as an addition to the treatment complex, since they are capable of raising immunity, have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve the performance of blood vessels, which is of no small importance in the complex treatment of the disease.

All these are effective tools that can help you in the treatment of mastopathy. Choose the best, having consulted with the doctor, and be healthy!