Genital Herpes - Symptoms

This disease among chronic viral occurs in humans very often. Unpleasant vesicles on the mucous membranes or skin are often taken by surprise and cause a lot of trouble.

Genital herpes in women: symptoms

To diagnose the disease, you need to "know the enemy in person." Consider the main features of genital herpes:

This is a list of the main options available, as genital herpes are usually manifested. There are several types and forms of the disease and in each case there are different ways of external manifestation.

What does genital herpes look like?

Genital herpes is a disease caused by herpes simplex viruses. To date, there are eight types of the virus. Genital herpes are caused by two types: type 1 causes damage to the genital organs in 20% of cases, the remaining 80% causes the 2nd type. It happens that the disease is accompanied simultaneously by two types simultaneously. As a rule, the first signs of genital herpes cause type 1, and a second manifestation provokes the second.

There are three main forms of the disease. Consider how genital herpes looks with each variant of the course of the disease.

  1. Primary form . The very first symptoms of genital herpes are swelling and redness, often painful sensations in the affected area. A woman may experience itching and burning sensation. There are general weakness, headaches and fever. In a few days, the already familiar vesicles begin to appear. If the genital herpes is located on the lips, after the rupture of the vesicles during urination, the woman experiences painful sensations. The fact is that the ruptured vesicle turns into a sore that heals within two weeks. Most often, the affected areas are the perineal region, the inner thighs.
  2. Recurrent form . Approximately in 60% of cases the virus again makes itself felt. There are several such repeated episodes. The mild form is manifested no more than three times a year, the medium-heavy form proceeds with a repetition of about 4-6 times a year, and in severe cases, the herpes is exacerbated monthly. Each form can flow arrhythmically (alternating frequent and rare manifestations), monotonously (frequent episodes) or gradually subside. In this case, when the bubbles appear, a woman experiences severe pain, urination is extremely painful, and sleep disturbances begin against the general background.
  3. There are also atypical forms of the disease . Such forms occur erased in the form of chronic inflammation of the external genitalia, cystitis, vulvovaginitis or other diseases. Puffiness can be quite insignificant, and the vesicles are very small. Often there are abundant and almost uncontrollable leucorrhoea. The stages of genital herpes atypical form are conventionally distinguished by the localization of rashes. The first stage affects the external genitalia, in the second stage the virus affects the vagina, cervix and urethra. The last stage of the disease is characterized by damage to the appendages, bladder, uterus. In this case, the risk of developing infertility is very high, the woman runs the risk of developing cervical cancer.