What kind of water is better to drink?

Since a person of almost two-thirds consists of water, it is quite natural to seek an answer to the question of what kind of water it is better to drink. However, a clean and useful water does not always flow from a water tap, the reason for which is often the communications that require repair or replacement. To understand which water is better for drinking, you should consider a variety of options.

What kind of drinking water is better?

Since the water from the tap can be heavy metal salts, chlorine, bacteria and other harmful impurities, it is possible to make this water suitable for drinking by filtration. Boiling water from the tap in order to improve its drinking qualities is useless, because under the influence of temperature there are various chemical reactions that turn water into a dangerous liquid. The most common water filters are coal. They purify water of many contaminants and chlorine, but are ineffective in fighting microbes. If you choose a cleaning method with this filter, change cartridges in time, because they can become a hotbed of infection. Membrane filters, in which water passes from 5 to 7 degrees of purification, get rid of impurities better.

In the old days, people cleaned the water with silver. The silver spoon, which has been dropped into the container, disinfects the water, enriches it with silver ions. However, to purify unfiltered water in this way does not make sense.

The most useful and clean is considered to be artesian water. It is extracted from deep wells, where contamination from the surface does not penetrate. However, in some cases the composition of the water is still not ideal, because during the formation of the formation, it could be contaminated. Therefore, artesian water should be checked in the laboratory and filtered. It is this kind of drinking water that is often sold in bottles.

What kind of mineral water is better to drink?

Natural mineral water is enriched with salts and microelements. However, in an unlimited quantity you can drink only that mineral water, which is a dining room (information on this should be on the label). In the table mineral water, the salt content does not exceed 1 g per liter. The table water contains from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter, it should not be drunk constantly. Healing mineral water with a high salt content (more than 10 g per liter) should be drunk only as directed by the doctor.

What is the best water?

When asked which water is best to drink, the doctors respond - purified. Do not stint on a good filter and clean it and tap water, and artesian water. Well, if the filter is a layer of mineralizer, which will enrich the water with the necessary substances.

Many fans of a healthy lifestyle pay a lot of attention to the water they use and therefore have good health. Listen to their advice on what kind of water it is best to drink on an empty stomach. They think that it's best to drink thawed water on an empty stomach. To make it, you need to take filtered water, pour it into a saucepan and put it on the frost. After 1-2 hours you need to remove the ice and throw it away. When the water freezes by two-thirds - drain the remaining water into the sink. To get thawed water, leave the ice to defrost at room temperature for the night.