Useful properties of boiled beets

The brightest representative of the amaranth family is the beet. Root crop has one more name - Buryak. So it is called in Ukraine and in the southern regions of Russia. Beets in their composition and useful properties are highly valued on all continents in both raw and boiled form.

Useful properties are stored in the boiled beet almost in full. Root crop contains the following elements: fiber, carbohydrates, potassium, fluorine, calcium, iron, zinc, folic acid , zinc, vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins.

Organic acids (citric, malic, oxalic, tartaric, lactic), with which the root crop is rich, contribute to the qualitative digestion of food. A gamma - aminobutyric acid Buryak plays a very important role in the metabolic processes occurring in the brain. In addition, betaine - methylated amino acid - plays a very important role: it helps to assimilate the body of proteins, normalizes blood pressure, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis, stimulates the renewal of blood cells, normalizes metabolism. Beetroot betaine is especially important for the prevention of obesity.

Decoction of beets and the root vegetable in boiled form are an excellent diuretic, as well as a laxative. It effectively fights against cancer cells that can form in the small intestine.

Doctors call boiled beets a natural antioxidant and immunomodulator. Root crop naturally prevents the penetration of heavy metals and various viruses into the body. During the epidemic of influenza salad from boiled beet with garlic and fresh herbs will be a good preventive tool.

Useful properties of beet for weight loss

Nutritionists actively use the useful properties of boiled beets in their practice, because it is low-calorie (100 grams = 45 kcal). In addition, the root is a good cleanser for the intestines, as well as normalizes metabolism, speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

The most popular ways to reduce weight with cooked beets are the following:

  1. Dinner with beets - sparing weight loss. Daily consumption of only cooked root for dinner will allow a month to reduce weight by 4 kilograms. In the event that a slimming person excludes high-calorie dishes from his diet, the result can be higher.
  2. Beet Diet - a more radical method of combating obesity . It is absolutely contraindicated for people with intestinal problems and stomach diseases. Salad from boiled beets is used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition to salad for breakfast recommended porridge on water without oil and tea (coffee) without sugar. For lunch, it is advised to eat boiled lean meat or fish with a salad. But for dinner - only a salad! Beet diet allows one week to say goodbye with 4 kilograms of excess weight.