Breast lift

After childbirth, breastfeeding, as well as due to age-related changes and sudden weight loss, the female bust, as a rule, loses its elasticity and shape, hangs. To restore his former position and the exciting roundness is helped by a breast lift that can be performed with the help of plastic surgery or without the help of a surgeon. The choice of methods depends not only on personal wishes, but also on the degree of changes in the shape of the mammary glands.

Non-surgical breast lift

Surgical manipulations are expensive and not the safest procedures performed under general anesthesia. Therefore, women try to avoid them in every possible way, using other means for tightening their breasts:

  1. Myostimulation is an active contraction of the large and small pectoral muscles under the influence of an electric current.
  2. Biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the tissues of the mammary glands.
  3. Mesotherapy - injections of mixtures with active substances and biostimulants that produce the effect of lifting.
  4. The implantation of the filaments is "stitching the breasts with the finest wire made of gold, polylactic acid or caprolactam material.
  5. Microcurrents - the effect on the deep layers of the skin with the help of impulse currents. The method is sometimes used in combination with the application of nutrient serums.
  6. Introduction of the gel - in fact, the same injection filler, only instead of hyaluronic acid uses a special gel Macrolane.
  7. Lipomodeling - giving the bust the desired shape and increasing its size due to its own fat tissues.

Also absolutely painless cosmetic procedures are practiced:

At home, women apply a cream to lift the chest, for example, Markell or Salon Spa, use essential oils, folk recipes, spend a lot of time training the muscles.

Unfortunately, all these methods have the same drawback - a short result, and most of them are generally ineffective. The only way to guarantee the return of the form of the bust is plastic surgery.

Periorelolar skin tightening of the breast

This type of operation (mastopexy) is also called circular, it is designed to eliminate the omission of mammary glands of the 1st degree (pseudoptosis).

An incision up to 14 cm in diameter is performed around the areola of the nipple, after which excess skin is excised and sutures are applied.

Perioriothoracic surgery is the least traumatic procedure, since glandular tissue is not removed during sparing surgery.

Vertical mastopexy or breast lift

With ptosis of the second degree, a re-formation or even partial excision of glandular tissue may be required. Therefore, the incision is made over the areola of the nipple and is extended downward (vertically) by 3-5 cm, sometimes - to a horizontal fold under the mammary gland.

During the operation, the extracted skin flap is removed and the glandular tissue is modeled, if necessary, the diameter of the nipple diameter is reduced, up to 4 cm.

This type of mastopexy is accompanied by a slight soreness during the rehabilitation period, after it there are scars, though not noticeable.

"Anchor" breast lift

In the case of a strong bust lowering (grade 3 ptosis), vertical mastopexy is shown with the addition of a horizontal incision along the skin fold located in a semicircle under the mammary gland.

"Anchor" surgery is the most difficult, as it is accompanied by high traumatic conditions, it requires a long recovery period.

Any type of surgery can be used to simultaneously reduce or increase the size of the bust. In such cases, a breast lift with implants or excision of excess glandular tissue is carried out.