Tourmaline knee pads

Chinese medicine has managed to create many important inventions. They may seem at first sight completely absurd and ridiculous. In fact, they are very effective. A vivid example of such a creation is tourmaline knee pads. Tourmaline is the only mineral that has its own electric field. The latter arises immediately after the substance absorbs solar energy. The unique ability of the mineral is to emit infrared rays.

Do tourmaline knee braces treat osteoporosis and other joint diseases?

Experts can not give unambiguous estimates of the invention. But numerous positive reviews speak for themselves. Tried knee pads on themselves patients state that the design of tourmaline and magnets does help. And if you understand the principle of the work of the device, you can fully believe in its effectiveness.

A special thermal chip is installed in tourmaline kneecaps. It gives the design the ability to separate medicinal powders into microscopic particles penetrating the epidermis. In addition, tourmaline is able to restore and energize the human bio-field, reduce the impact on it of harmful factors.

As practice shows, tourmaline knee pads with magnetic inserts, among other things, stimulate the functions of osteoblasts, promote the speedy restoration of joint and bone tissues, and also provoke the production of intra-articular fluid.

The principle of treatment with tourmaline knee pads is quite simple. When heated from the body, the substance begins to emit long-wave infrared radiation with negative ions. Particles can penetrate deeply into tissues and destroy active radicals there along with other harmful substances. As a result, a resonance absorption is formed, which foresees relaxation of smooth muscles, expansion of blood vessels and activation of energy processes in cells.

Indications for the use of tourmaline magnetic knee pads

The main recommendations for using the device can be considered:

How to use tourmaline knee pads?

There is nothing complicated in the application of the device. First of all, the central part of the knee pads should be moistened in water, and then fixed on a sore spot. Usually, positive changes become visible after 30-40 minutes of use. Until then, the patient can feel a slight tingling and burning.

The first sessions of using tourmaline kneecaps with a warming effect should not exceed in duration 15-20 minutes. If the body tolerates therapy well, then later the lining can be left on legs and for the whole night.

Contraindications to the use of tourmaline knee pads

Any medicinal product has certain contraindications. There are also kneecaps:

  1. The design is undesirable to wear with a tendency to bleeding.
  2. Tourmaline can be harmful if the skin is damaged.
  3. It is not necessary to be treated by the Chinese invention to pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  4. The device may not function correctly in patients with pacemakers and implants.
  5. It is desirable to delay with treatment also those patients, who are tormented by fever.