Types of motivation

For each of us the word work has its own special emotional color, because for someone it's a favorite thing of all life, and for someone it's a hated place of earning material means to ensure their own vital activity, that's why some workers need motivation.

The concept and types of motivation

Motivation is an inner motivation for action to achieve personal goals or the goals of the organization. It is designed to reduce the stress that arises in response to a need or desire to get something.

Need - the origins of motives, lack of something, for normal life. Nowadays it is common to divide several basic types of labor motivation:

Each of these categories is divided into several more types.

Types of non-material motivation:

Types of material motivation:

Professional work is designed to satisfy not only biological, but also social needs, because in addition to earning money, people also want to establish good relations with everyone, form a good opinion about themselves.

Types of motivation in psychology

In psychology, special attention is paid to motivation, since it allows to influence the activities of other people. The so-called "artificial motivation" is the impact that other people have on you for one purpose or another.

The main types of motivation:

Motivation can be "from anything" - negative and "to what" - positive. An example of such motivation can serve long since known to all reception "carrot and stick", if the child disobeys parents, then his motivation will be "from what" based on negative emotions and experiences caused by possible punishments. In the event that he has fulfilled his task well, his motivation will be "to what" based on his positive expectations of receiving a reward for his work.

Depending on the source to the types of motivation are also:

In the field of management and personnel management, several types of theories of motivation are made:

1. Substantial theory of motivation. They are based on the person's inner motivation for action. They are the best way to reveal the relationship between the emergence of a need and the way it is realized. Such theories include:

2. Processional theories of motivation. First of all, they are aimed at studying human behavior in various life situations. Particular attention is paid to the motivation of various external factors. These include:

3. Theories of the "worker". This group includes those theories that reflect the specific vision of the professional activity of each employee:

All the above theories, one way or another, prove that the motivation gives the person's activity a certain focus. Achievement of the set goals ensures personal recovery of physical and social balance and makes a person more self-confident and successful.