Sore throat - treatment

There are many reasons that can cause sore throat. First of all, unpleasant feelings often become the result of loud cries or prolonged singing. However, usually such symptoms appear as a result of hypothermia in wet or frosty weather. Immunity is weakened, because of which microorganisms easily penetrate inside, causing increased sweating, coughing, chills and other signs. To cure pain in the throat, preventing the appearance of subsequent symptoms, you need to find out the reason. This will allow us to cope with the disease as soon as possible.

Treatment of sore throat at home

Unpleasant sensations in the throat appear due to various reasons. In this regard, the courses of therapy differ from each other. Despite this, there are universal means to alleviate or completely eliminate the ailment:

  1. Gargling. The procedure must be repeated every two hours. To do this, use calendula tincture (six drops for 300 ml of warm water), soda (half a teaspoon), hydrogen peroxide (two drops) or Furacilin solution (one tablet). In themselves, they are antiseptics, which helps fight microorganisms.
  2. Inhalations on herbs and mineral water.
  3. Constant consumption of hot drinks. This allows you to improve the metabolism, which speeds up the withdrawal of infection.

Treatment of folk remedies for sore throat with inflammation

Traditional medicine is famous for its many recipes, helping to cope with unpleasant sensations in the throat.

Beetroot juice


Preparation and use

Beets need to be washed and finely grated. You can pass it through the blender. In the resulting mass, add a spoonful of vinegar. Leave for half an hour. When the juice appears, squeeze and strain through gauze. The resulting liquid gargle at least two times a day until complete recovery.

Milk with honey


Preparation and use

Milk warm up to a hot state, but so that it can be drunk. Add the remaining ingredients and mix. Drink after eating - at least three times a day. This remedy helps to cure pain, sore throat and even cough. The main thing - to use until full recovery.

Warm beer


Preparation and use

Beer to heat. Egg white whip until foam and mix with the other ingredient. For recovery, you need to gargle at least twice a day. This drug is good for laryngitis .

Cabbage Compression


Preparation and use

Wash the cabbage leaf. Throughout the area make small incisions to make juice. Top with honey. The drug is applied directly to the throat. Top covered with food film and scarf. Leave it for a few hours.

Treatment of sore throat with a temperature of 38

Similar symptoms can indicate various ailments, ranging from ARVI, and ending with tonsillitis. In any case, a plentiful drink is shown - it is best to have a warm tea with honey or raspberries.

In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are good, you can buy them in any pharmacy. The most famous representatives are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. They are taken as needed, but not more often than once every two hours.

With such symptoms, it is better not to be in the cold once again. Despite this, the room where the main time is spent by the patient, you need to ventilate at least three times a day.