Sarcoidosis of the lung - symptoms

Sarcoidosis is a disease that manifests itself as benign systemic granulomatosis and is characterized by damage to the lymphatic and mesenchymal tissues of various organs, especially the respiratory system.

Causes and stages of development of sarcoidosis

Often the disease of sarcoidosis occurs in young people and middle-aged people, mostly in women. Almost 90% of patients have this ailment manifested in the defeat of the respiratory system with an increase in intrathoracic and bronchopulmonary lymph nodes. The most common disease of the lungs for sarcoidosis is among Asians, Germans, African Americans and Irish.

So far, the etiology of the disease is unclear. Some experts argue that lung disease of sarcoidosis is a consequence of the entry into the body of infectious agents - microorganisms. There were also cases of transmission of this disease at the genetic level - from parents to children.

In addition, the conducted observations indicate that the causes of sarcoidosis lie in the violation of the immune response of the human body to the effects of various viruses, chemicals and dust.

X-ray studies identified three stages of sarcoidosis:

  1. The first stage is characterized by a bilateral, in most cases asymmetric, increase in bronchopulmonary lymph nodes.
  2. Sarcoidosis of the lungs of the 2nd degree is characterized by involvement of the intrathoracic lymph nodes and infiltration of the lung tissue.
  3. At the third stage of the disease, pronounced pneumosclerosis of the lung tissue is observed, while the intrathoracic lymph nodes are not enlarged.

Symptoms of sarcoidosis of the lungs

Each person has different manifestations of sarcoidosis. Mainly:

In some cases, patients develop such signs of sarcoidosis as coughing with phlegm, dyspnea, wheezing and pain in the chest. In most cases, sarcoidosis does not require medical intervention. However, patients with this diagnosis should be under the supervision of the attending physician and, in the event of any deviations, they are assigned a comprehensive treatment of the sarcoidosis of the lungs, including the use of steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to treat sarcoidosis?

Today, more and more often patients choose alternative treatment for medical treatment of sarcoidosis with folk remedies, which consists in the use of a number of medicinal herbs and medical infusions by patients.

In order to prepare the tincture, you will need in the same quantity the flowers of calendula, althaea root, the herb of the mountaineer of the bird, the leaf of sage and plantain, the herb of oregano. All the ingredients must be well mixed, a tablespoon of the resulting collection brew a glass of steep boiling water, pour the curative infusion into the thermos and insist for 30 minutes. Then strain and take a quarter cup three times a day. The full course of this treatment is forty-five days. Then you need to stand a 3-week break and repeat the course. Before treating sarcoidosis with this method, you need to be sure that you do not have allergies to used herbs.

Vodka and olive oil can help in the fight against sarcoidosis. Take them three times a day, in a ratio of 30 grams of vodka to 30 grams of olive oil throughout the year.

Although the prognosis of sarcoidosis of the lungs in most patients is positive, and recovery occurs either after the first course of treatment, to avoid the occurrence of a relapse of the disease, the patient is recommended to be under medical supervision for several more months.