Fibroma skin

Fibroma of the skin is a benign tumor of connective tissue fibers and fibroblasts located under the epidermis or in the thickness of the dermis. Fibroma has a fairly dense structure and pronounced boundaries. The color of the neoplasm corresponds to the skin tone or has a pinkish color, but, reaching a large size, the tumor becomes a blue-purple color.

Types of Skin Fibroma

There are two main types of skin fibrosis:

  1. Soft skin fibroma . Soft fibroids are usually formed in the areas of the neck, chest, groin and axillae. Neoplasm is like a small wrinkled sac on a short leg. Most often, soft skin fibroma is formed in elderly women or full people with loose skin.
  2. Firm fibroma of the skin . This kind of fibroid of the skin is located under the skin (atheroma) or directly on the skin. Sometimes education has a leg. Firm fibroma is formed both on the skin integuments and on the mucous membranes. Dense to the touch and painless swelling occurs in both men and women.

Causes of skin fibrosis

Authentically, the causes of neoplasm are not known, although, of course, the disease has a hereditary character. Also predisposing factors to the formation of fibroids of the skin are:

Possible complications in skin fibrosis

The disease threatens a number of serious complications as a result of traumatizing the formation of a razor, objects of clothing, accessories. In this case, the following can be observed:

Treatment of fibroid of the skin

Today, medicine offers many effective and quick ways to get rid of this kind of formations:

  1. From small neoplasms can be eliminated with the help of injections of the drug DiPisan. The agent is introduced by a specialist into the center of education using a very thin needle.
  2. The property of liquid nitrogen to destroy tissues is involved in the removal of fibroids of the skin by cryodestruction. The method is also suitable for the elimination of only small formations due to the possibility of the appearance after healing of scars on the skin surface.
  3. To remove benign tumors up to 2 cm in diameter, the electrocoagulation method is used. Current discharges acting pointwise cause local tissue destruction.
  4. Most of the fibroids are removed surgically under local anesthesia. Negative point - after healing may remain scars.
  5. The most promising methods are laser removal and radio wave coagulation. Thanks to modern techniques, you can remove fibroids of any size without compromising the appearance and health of the patient. It is important that the recurrence of the disease after the application of these methods, as a rule, absent.

An alternative to occupational therapy is the treatment of skin fibroma with folk remedies. Small benign lesions are usually removed during home procedures:

  1. Smearing fibroids with freshly squeezed potato juice.
  2. Applying lotion from infusion or decoction of wood fungus (chaga).
  3. Heavy moistening of the formation of celandine juice.

In addition, due to the experience of ancestors, it is possible to reduce the risk of appearance of tumors. To do this, it is recommended to regulate your diet, enriching it with herbal products, natural spices and spices. It is useful to take an infusion of St. John's wort every day (a tablespoon of raw material for a glass of boiling water) or potato juice (on a tablespoon three times a day).