Epithelial body

On the posterior surface of the thyroid gland are located in pairs four more small endocrine organs. They produce two very important for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, the connection. Each parathyroid gland produces a strictly necessary amount of parathyroid (parathyroid hormone, calcitrine) or parathyroid hormone, as well as calcitonin, due to the available sensitive receptors.

Why do we need parathyroid hormones?

The functions of the body described are the control of phosphorus and calcium metabolism in the human body. If the concentration of these elements in the blood decreases, this is the response of the special parathyroid receptors. They signal the need to activate the production of parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. In turn, these substances stimulate osteoclasts, causing them to increase the release of calcium from bone tissue into the blood.

Thus, hormones are needed to correct and maintain the normal state of the nervous and motor system in the body.

Diseases due to hyperfunction of the parathyroid gland

Excessive production of calcitonin and parathyroidin, first of all, negatively affects the bone system:

In addition, hyperfunctioning disorder provokes the development of such diseases:

The listed problems usually arise against a background of hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands - an increase in the size of the organs, growth, but other disorders can be the cause of the diseases:

What diseases occur as a result of hypothyroidism of the parathyroid?

Deficiency of calcitrin and calcitonin is less common. Because of this, in the blood there is a decrease in the concentration of calcium with a simultaneous increase in the amount of phosphorus.

Hypofunction, in fact, does not cause any disease, but is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Insufficiently intensive work of the parathyroid glands develops due to the congenital pathology of these endocrine organs or their complete absence. Also, the problem described is due to damage or removal of glands during surgical operations.

Ultrasound of parathyroid glands and other methods of diagnosis

To determine the activity and functionality of organs the following blood tests are recommended:

It is also necessary to check the amount of calcium excreted from the body, for which it is necessary to pass urine.

Ultrasound is the most reliable diagnostic method, along with magnetic resonance imaging, the study allows to accurately detect glandular deviations from the norm, the presence of tumors of any nature.