How to sleep on Feng Shui?

If you want to fall asleep easily every night, sleep soundly and see joyful dreams, and sleep easily and well rested, we recommend that you listen to the advice of the ancient teachings on the harmonization of space - feng shui.

Where to sleep on Feng Shui?

In order to determine how to properly sleep on Feng Shui, you must first think about where to do it. So, according to the teaching, in the bedroom it is very important to orient the head of the bed and its location in the room. Chinese sages do not recommend setting the bed so that its head or foot looks at the exit from the room. Also, do not place your bed under the ceiling beam or under the wall in which the exit from the room is located.

Traditionally, it is believed that the orientation of the bed awakens in the person the following energies: if the head is directed to the north, then intuition is activated, to the south - good orderliness, the east influences a peaceful and calm sleep, and the West assumes a successful continuation of the genus.

Where to sleep head on Feng Shui?

It is believed that sleep on Feng Shui needs to head to one of four directions, favorable for human development. They are determined individually using the number of gua and the corresponding card. If you are sleeping with your life companion, then choose a direction that is favorable for a man.

If you turn to general recommendations, it is best to sleep your head to the north, because then the human body is oriented along the magnetic lines of the Earth, the energy circulates correctly and without difficulty. It gives a calm sleep, stability and health. The eastern direction is favorable for those who intend to start a new business, as it increases efficiency and ambition. In addition, those who sleep with their heads to the east always wake up cheerfully. The West brings love and enhances sensuality, and the south is suitable for careerists, since it helps to fully concentrate on working tasks.