Tibetan Mantras

To date, a huge number of people believe in the power of thought and speech. Correctly directed energy flows help to improve one's life, attract money, strengthen health, find love, lose weight, etc. Tibetan mantras, which appeared several millennia ago, are very powerful.

How do the mantras of Tibetan monks operate?

During the pronunciation of mantras, certain sound combinations contribute to the formation of certain vibrations, which in turn produce a powerful charge of energy. Many compare mantras with magical incantations or prayers. It is believed that the more often you pronounce the mantras, the faster and stronger they will act.

What do you need?

Most importantly, during the use of mantras, faith in the result. In order for words to begin to act, it is necessary, to learn to separate from the whole world and concentrate on the result. To begin with, read the mantra in complete solitude and silence. When you achieve good results, you can ignore the surrounding people, sounds and other distractions.

According to the Tibetan philosophers, in order to achieve good results, Tibetan mantras must be spoken mentally.

How to read mantras correctly?

From the phases of the moon depends the action of mantras, for example, on the growing moon, one must pronounce options for wealth, luck, prosperity, etc. The decreasing of the moon should be read by mantras, which help get rid of diseases, sins, thoughts, etc.

To better concentrate, it is recommended that you read the mantras under quiet, quiet music. It is necessary to repeat the mantra 108 times, since this number unites the divine beginning, eternity and energy of the Universe. If you can not master so much, then the number of repetitions can be reduced, the main thing is to be a multiple of the third.

Tibetan numerical monetary mantra

This strong mantra will change your financial state for the better if you pronounce the numbers 7753191 without a hitch 77 times within 77 days. Thanks to this, you create a vibration that has a lot of money energy.

There are also other Tibetan money mantras:





If you say these mantras daily, you will attract wealth and material wealth into your life.

Tibetan mantra for weight loss

In Tibet, it is very difficult to meet a person with excess weight, although they have enough high-calorie food. They claim that a special mantra helps maintain their weight in perfect condition. You need to pronounce it over water, which you then need to drink. It is recommended to speak the mantra 12 times, before each intake of water. You can also perform meditation, for this you need to fold your hands together at the chest level and read the mantra for 15 minutes. Remember the number of pronunciations should be a multiple of 3. Mantra for weight loss: SAN SIA UII NAH PAY TUN DOW. What is very important is that this mantra helps change your eating habits, thanks to these rituals you are more do not want to eat high-calorie and harmful foods.

Healing mantras - singing Tibetan bowls

In Tibet, monks use special bowls, which when used correctly produce melodic sounds that are a special kind of mantra. Thanks to special alloys, bowls make sounds that are not like anything else. The bowl embodies the feminine principle, and the wooden stick, which it leads to, is male.

Tibetan bowls help to improve health, reduce spasm of muscles, and also are an excellent relaxing remedy. To learn the game will take a lot of time, but if you do it regularly, you can learn this.