Tattoo tree - value

The tree is a source of inspiration, it symbolizes beauty, fortitude and power. The value of a tattoo in the form of a tree consists in personal growth and development, the connection of a person with higher powers. However, in nature there are many kinds of trees, and the image of each of them on the body carries its own meaning.

What does a tattoo tree mean?

Since ancient times, people have attributed to the tree magical opportunities, endowed it with the ability to hear, talk. Up to the present, many legends have come down, on the basis of which a cult of the tree arose. Therefore, a tattoo tree is not just a picture on the body, but an accessory that has a symbolic essence. Regardless of the form, variety of the breed and the availability of additional components, this tattoo marks health, fertility and power.

But much that depends on what kind of tree is depicted. For example, the beech symbolizes the firmness of character and honor, bamboo embodies the beginning of life and its end, the spruce will give strength, providing its owner with longevity.

For girls, the tattoo of a birch tree is more suitable, having the value of femininity, fragility, lightness and innocence. Also, among the weaker sex, the willow is popular, symbolizing virtue, tenderness and tranquility. The tattoo with the tree carries a constant desire for new knowledge, spiritual growth and wisdom.

The tattoo tree on the hand has the following meaning: this pattern tells others about the boundless strength, inner and outer beauty of a person, about his striving for harmony .

The most popular tattoo is the tree of life, the meaning of which is in connection with its ancestors, in the search for the meaning of life. It is depicted by masters with a thick trunk and long branches strewn with foliage. Its second meaning is the spiritual power, which is combined with the desire for knowledge and development. Even such a tattoo is perfect for those who are in search of inspiration.

The value of the tattoo "tree in a triangle" should be considered in the aggregate of two symbols: this geometric figure and the tree. The triangle symbolizes leadership, and in combination with a tree, such a tattoo speaks of an irresistible force and the ability to lead. No less common and tattoo is a tree with roots, the meaning of which is the connection of descendants with living and dead ancestors. To depict a tree on your body is to get an opportunity to streamline thoughts and gain stability. Many make such sketches in order to remind them of their losses and life's difficulties. In this case, the scars are depicted on the trunk.