The Box of the Boar

The bench of Boar is considered to be the first in the Svarog Circle. It lasts from September 20 until October 11. The sacred tree for the born people in this period is the pear tree. The swastika of the symbol is represented by a double Kolovrat, which moves according to the path of the sun. A double, parallel line indicates the unity of the spiritual and material spheres.

What is the value of the Boar's Table?

This sign is rather ambiguous, since it includes opposite characteristics. People under his protection are devoted, wise and intellectually developed, and they are simply impossible to manipulate. It is worth noting that they lack certain confidence in certain moments, therefore, there is often a "stagnation" situation.

Patron of the Boar of the Boar is the god Ramkhat, who is responsible for the protection of the Heavenly and Earthly order. According to existing beliefs, born under the patronage of the Boar, must observe the laws of this god and teach them others. Their main idea - a person must live according to the laws of justice and love. The ancient Slavs believed that if they were violated, then in the future the genus would disappear, because couples would not be able to give birth to a healthy child.

People born in the period of Boar's Chamber can achieve success in the legal and law enforcement sphere. Among them there are many successful lawyers, policemen and lawyers. They believe in justice, but at the same time rely on their own wisdom and prudence in life. Due to their responsibility and creative approach, such people perfectly feel themselves as executors and managers. They have leadership qualities and ability to organize. There are no "Vepray" people and an intuitive presentiment of problems and dangers, since they take into account only external qualities, not taking into account the depth of the problem.

The charm of the "Boar's Hall"

In general, this amulet is called "Heavenly Boar", which has a certain meaning. The first word means a place where there are no demons, and the second is divided into parts:

Many esotericists believe that this symbol is cosmic, and it has increased stability and intelligence. It is recommended to use this talisman to people who are moving towards the goal . Thanks to his energy, a person receives considerable support and strength. The symbol "The Boar's Table" was mostly represented in blue, which pointed to spiritual wisdom, purity and infinity.