How to teach a child to talk?

Do you remember how you were touched by the first "aga" of your child? Then, at last, they heard the cherished "mother" or "dad". And so your child a year, and then the first two words do not go? Do not worry, because you can help your baby! Let's look at all the ways how quickly to teach the child to speak.

How to teach a little child to talk?

Although many pediatricians and argue that it is important to begin talking with the child while he is still in the womb, but the stage of development of speech in the first years of life, no one has canceled. And every mother should know what speech skills at a certain age their baby should have:

Parents who wondered how to teach a child to talk early should pay attention to that first he describes those objects that surround him. Therefore, first he memorizes the names of nouns, then "adapted" for him the notation of actions (pi-pi, bai-bai), pronouns (there, here, this), and last but not least adjectives characterizing the color, size and shape of the object. On fulfillment of two years the child can use in his speech pronoun "I", "my" and tell about his feelings (painful, hot, cold). And closer to three years the child can already reason on the simplest level (which is good and what is bad) and to find cause-and-effect relationships.

How to teach a child to talk as soon as possible?

But if you do not want to wait until three years and wonder how early the child will be taught to tell you the following recommendations will help:

  1. Start talking with the baby from the very first days of his life. Although a newborn child does not yet understand speech, he reacts to his mother's voice with his whole body, looking for her with his eyes. Therefore, it is so important not to scream at the child, but to speak calmly and affectionately. In addition, at first, it is the voice that helps to develop the hearing in the child. Approximately 4 months, when the child begins to walk, enter into dialogue with him. Delight with the sounds that he says, and he will quickly understand that you are interested in him. From 6 to 12 months, actively start using fairy tales. Let first they are children's rhymes. So the child will remember rhythmic words faster. Take for yourself the rule of reading the child daily, clearly, slowly and with an expression, explaining the meaning of each word.
  2. Then follows the stage from 1 to 1.5 years. At this age, the kid is able to remember a large number of words, so it is important to comment on any of his actions, since to teach a one-year-old child to talk can only be through constant communication and entering into dialogue with him. Express your thoughts with short, clear sentences: "Mom cooks porridge", "we go for a walk", etc. Give the child information gradually. Introduce it to a specific subject, and as soon as the child learns to recognize it, teach the baby characteristics. For example: "This is yula. Yula is green. How is the yule spinning? Yulia does the vzhzhzhzh. Look at how the whirligan does the vzzhzh. " Ask the child questions. This will teach him not only to pronounce words, but also to add them to sentences.
  3. It is also important to develop a child's fine motor skills. It has long been proven that it is directly related to the development of speech. To do this, it is enough to give the child to play with the cereals, knead them with fingers. In this case, the more diverse the form and properties of small objects, the better.
  4. In the question of how to teach a two-year-old child to talk and correctly pronounce sounds, many speech therapists and psychologists advise using articulatory gymnastics. For example, try the following exercises:

How to teach a child to speak with sentences?

An excellent tool in this case can be training on paired consonants. After teaching the child to sing the combinations of different vowels and consonants, you can switch to syllables, and then to combinations of words and tongue twisters. Start with the following combinations:

B - Bu-bo-ba-ba-bi-be

P - Pu - Po - pa - pee - py

In - Wu-wo-wah-vee-you

F - Foo FooFa - Fee - Fee

G - Guo-go-ga-gee-gig

K - Ku-ko-ka-ke-ki-would

D - Doo-do-da-de-dee

T - Tu-that-ta-te-ti-you

F - Jou-Jo-Ja- Jae-Ji-je


Z - Zu-zo-za-ze-zyzy

C - Su-so-sa-se-si-sy

Such exercises are also good because they can be conducted anywhere. In an airplane, in a hospital, in transport, etc.

Also, if you want your child to learn how to speak with sentences, try to ask him questions and enter into dialogue with him more often.