Slugs for weight loss

In order to be satisfied with their reflections in the mirror, women are ready to go to much. Cosmetic salons, using this, are developing more and more new methods of combating obesity, offering various procedures and complexes. One of these somewhat radical methods can be called injections for weight loss. Concerns about such interference in the body are quite justified. How effective and dangerous is losing weight with the help of injections?

Ozone slimming injections

Ozonotherapy , which includes injections of nitrogen for weight loss, has been widely spread abroad. However, in

Russia it is not applied so widely that it is caused by a mistrust of all kinds of injections.

For injections, special medicinal ozone is used, more precisely, a mixture of ozone and oxygen. In this connection, the procedure is sometimes called - oxygen injections for weight loss. The essence of the action is simple: active oxygen enters the tissue by injection, which "disperses" toxins and fatty deposits. The effect is noticeable, according to "eyewitnesses" after the fourth-fifth procedure. The scope of exposure to injections, in addition to burning fat, is extremely extensive:

  1. Ozone has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, which significantly helps in improving the relief of the skin and treating skin diseases. This causes the use of ozone injections in the facial cosmetology.
  2. Ozone therapy is also used to combat cellulite - hated by every woman. Thanks to all the same oxygen molecules, the fat tissue is split and the relief of the body in the problem zone is smoothed.
  3. Acupuncture with ozone neutralizes free radicals, preventing skin aging, ozone therapy is considered an anti-aging procedure.
  4. In addition, ozone-oxygen injections are successfully used in medicine to combat diabetes mellitus, allergies, migraine, joint diseases, gynecological diseases.

The general characteristics of this procedure are rather flattering. Losing weight with the help of injections is gradual due to the cleansing of the body and the normalization of metabolic processes. However, like any procedure requiring external intervention, ozone therapy has some contraindications.

Injections for weight loss: contraindications

Among the contraindications to the use of "magic" injections there are a number of diseases:

Depending on the problem area, injections for weight loss are carried out in the abdomen, in the hips, buttocks. Many tried the procedure on themselves note the soreness in the first sessions. However, simultaneously it is worth noting a lot of positive reviews about ozone therapy, as a method of losing weight. In order to maximize the result, it is recommended to choose accompanying procedures, such as wrapping, massage a, or no less popular ultrasound therapy.

The safety of the procedure depends on the level of the salon, which must be very high for such procedures. The amount of the substance administered is strictly controlled, as is the level of its content in the body throughout the procedure.

If you decide to experience the effect of injections for weight loss, you must exclude even a minimal risk of oncology, since the increased concentration of ozone in the blood in this case is extremely dangerous.