Plots on Palm Sunday for happiness, prosperity and love

Plots on Palm Sunday refer to pagan traditions, but they are still popular, and all thanks to their effectiveness. There are a lot of rituals that help to cope with different problems arising at different stages of life.

Plots and ceremonies on Palm Sunday

On this holiday, believers always go to church to consecrate a willow, which after that becomes very powerful. It is used to conduct various rituals, known since ancient times. For those who are interested in what kind of conspiracies exist on Palm Sunday, you should know that there are rituals for attracting love, improving health, improving your financial situation, finding work, and so on. It is important to conduct rituals alone, completely focusing on the problem.

Plots on Palm Sunday for Wealth

In today's world, people decide much money, so rituals that attract material prosperity are popular. Plots for money on Palm Sunday help create the right conditions for a person to earn money. For example, you can get a profitable job offer or you can win a lottery. It is necessary to take a wax candle and get a wick from it, which should be set on both sides. After this, tell the plot and extinguish the flames. Wick carry with them as a monetary talisman, for example, in a purse.

Plots for health on Palm Sunday

Church holidays are a chance to appeal to the Higher Powers with requests for healing or health promotion. Plots and rituals on Palm Sunday are held not only for themselves, but for another close person.

  1. If you want to strengthen your health, then you just need to eat 3-4 buds of pussy willow. It is necessary to do this on an empty stomach. Scribe everything with holy water and tell a special plot.
  2. A common problem is headaches and not to drink constantly pills, you can conduct a simple ritual. It is necessary to comb the hair and remove the hair from the crest. Put them in any container of water and go to the willow. Pour it into the root area, uttering a plot.

Palm Sunday conspiracy to beauty

To preserve beauty and youth for a long time, women used different folk remedies and magic rituals . If you are wondering what plots on Palm Sunday to read for this purpose, then we suggest using a simple ritual. First you need to go to the bath and get a good steam. After this, take a twig of willow and spend it on your face and body, repeating the following plot. The used branch should be buried.

Plots for luck on Palm Sunday

It is believed that church holidays are an ideal time for making positive changes in your life. If you are interested in what plots do on Palm Sunday for good luck, we suggest using the rite for well-being, which will make it possible for a year to feel like a happy person.

  1. For the ritual, prepare a bouquet of consecrated willows, three church candles , paper and a pen.
  2. First you need to think about things that are not enough in life, and write them in as much detail as possible on paper.
  3. Bouquet of pussy will be divided into three equal parts and for each conspiracy conspiracy number 1. After that, put them under three candles and light them, pronouncing plot number 2.
  4. Observe the candles, but do not extinguish them. When they go out on their own, connect the cinder together, and collect the branches in the bouquet. Keep everything in a secret place for a year, and then, before the next Palm Sunday, burn them.

Plots for love on Palm Sunday

Love rituals are popular, and a huge number of girls use them to find happiness in their personal lives. Plots on Palm Sunday for love are best spent after sunset in complete solitude. For the ritual, you need to take a red wax candle, two willow branches, on which there must be an odd number of kidneys, a thread of red color, matches and a thin needle.

  1. Lay out all the items on a white tablecloth in front of you. After that, think about the man you want to see next to for a while. Note that the rite is aimed at attracting the person who destined destiny. It must be imagined that the lover is near and everyone is happy.
  2. When the picture in your thoughts is as realistic as possible, light a candle and say a plot to love a man on Palm Sunday at number 1.
  3. Take the willow and twist the branches among themselves, repeating the plot number 2. After that, tie them with a thread of red color, securely fixing.
  4. Take the needle, which must be sterilized, and pierce her finger. Drop three drops of blood on the branches, saying conspiracy number 3.
  5. Pass the pussy willow over the flame of the candle, ending the ritual. Put the branches under the bed, and leave the candle to burn out.

There is a conspiracy on Palm Sunday for a loved one who left the family or decided to part. To perform the ritual, you need to buy a willow and put it at home in a vase. When the kidneys dissolve, it is necessary to divide them into two parts. Pour them into two bowls of boiling water and wait for the broth to cool. After that, hug both containers, lean towards them with three times tell the plot. One broth should be drunk most, and another - to add a favorite man's drink.

Plots on Palm Sunday for Marriage

Girls who want to go under the aisle with a beloved man spend a ritual on a church holiday. Plots on Palm Sunday for a husband can use girls who have not met a potential groom. Immediately it is worth mentioning that for the ritual you will have to sacrifice a ringlet made of silver.

  1. Take the decoration and go to the park or to the forest where you need to find the willow. On the tree, select the most fluffy branch on which to put the ring. Then tell the plot on Palm Sunday.
  2. Before you go home, be sure to worship the tree. It is forbidden to tear off branches from it to carry away. Another condition - returning home, with no one contacting and do not look back.

Plot for Pregnancy on Palm Sunday

Many of the fair sex desperate to become mothers, so they seek help from the Higher Forces. Strong conspiracies on Palm Sunday will help women who pre-confessed and communicated. The presented ritual is conducted only during the rain. Find the willow on the street, bow down to the ground and tell the conspiracy number 1. Collect the wet leaves and take them home. Pour them with hot water, and when the infusion cools down, pour it yourself from head to foot. During this talk, conspiracy number 2.

Plots on Palm Sunday for work

Many people are faced with the problem of finding interesting and highly paid work. To increase your chances of success, you can use conspiracies before Palm Sunday. To perform a simple ritual, you need to go to the forest and find there two hemp pussy-willows, which should be next to each other. Sit on one of them and tell the conspiracy under Palm Sunday, and then, change to another stump. When going home, do not turn around and do not contact anyone.

Plots for trading on Palm Sunday

People involved in trade can face different problems, for example, some do not have enough buyers, and others are annoyed by competitors. There are various conspiracies and beliefs on Palm Sunday, which are intended for traders. For example, it is recommended to place consecrated willow branches on the workplace. There is a simple ritual for which take a spoonful of fresh honey and three times you will say a plot to it, spitting after each repetition through your left shoulder. With sweetness, smear your temples and hands, so that money is licked to them, and the rest is eaten.

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish on Palm Sunday

It is believed that during the Holy Week, the archangel Gabriel descends from heaven to earth to help people in fulfillment from cherished desires. It is important that the dream is not trivial and has no ill intent. Plots for a wish on Palm Sunday should be pronounced before sunrise. Put a cross on your neck, go out into the street and face east. Three times cross yourself and quietly tell the plot three times.

Plots from alcoholism on Palm Sunday

Alcoholism is a common problem, because of which families break up, life collapses and even death occurs. Since ancient times, various magical rituals have been used to combat this dependence. Many plots on Palm Sunday are read on the willow branches, which on this holiday have a special power. They are best not to buy, but to collect and need to take 12 pcs.

  1. Form a broom and tick them at noon all corners in your home. During this it is necessary to repeat the conspiracy of drunkenness on Palm Sunday.
  2. When the sun goes down, dig a pit behind the house and dig a broom. It is believed that when the willow branches rot, the person will get rid of alcohol dependence . To make this happen faster, initially take thin branches.