Hypertensive disease - all you need to know about increased blood pressure

Elevated blood pressure is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia and mortality of young people. In medicine, this pathology is called arterial hypertension. The diagnosis is confirmed if in 2 medical examinations with a double pressure measurement the indices exceed the values ​​of 140 by 90 mm Hg. Art.

Hypertensive disease - stages, degrees, risk

The problem described has a different flow pattern, differentiated according to two factors. Hypertensive disease - the classification is based on the following criteria:

  1. Stage - determines the severity of concomitant pathologies and the vastness of the lesion of physiological systems.
  2. Degree - reflects the average level of blood pressure throughout the day.

Hypertensive disease - stages

This ailment leads to changes in the work of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. In accordance with the severity of these disorders, there are 3 stages of hypertension:

  1. Soft and moderate. Characteristic of unstable blood pressure. If there is hypertensive disease of stage 1, it fluctuates during the day, but does not exceed 179 by 114 mm Hg. Art. Crises are extremely rare, occur quickly.
  2. Heavy. Hypertensive disease of the 2nd stage is accompanied by arterial pressure within 180-209 by 115-124 mm Hg. Art. Clinical examinations record microalbuminuria, narrowing of the retinal arteries, high creatinine in plasma, ischemia of the brain (transient), hypertrophic left ventricle. Hypertensive crises occur frequently.
  3. Very heavy. Arterial pressure exceeds the value of 200 by 125 mm Hg. Art. Hypertensive disease of the third stage provokes thrombosis of cerebral vessels, encephalopathy, left ventricular and renal failure, nephroangiosclerosis, stratifying aneurysm, hemorrhages, optic nerve edema and other diseases. Typical are recurring and difficult-going crises.

Hypertensive disease - degree

This criterion of classification of pathology determines a constant level of arterial pressure. Degrees of hypertension:

  1. Light or preclinical. With arterial hypertension 1 degree, the pressure does not increase more than 159 by 99 mm Hg. Art. The state of health remains normal, unpleasant symptoms are absent or extremely rare.
  2. Moderate. For a disease of grade 2, an increase in blood pressure up to 160-179 per 100-109 mm Hg is characteristic. Art. Sometimes there are crises that occur quickly and without complications.
  3. Heavy. Hypertensive disease of the third degree leads to a dangerous increase in blood pressure (from 180 to 110 mm Hg). Crises occur frequently, accompanied by negative consequences.
  4. Very heavy. Hypertensive disease of the 4th degree is a life threatening condition. The blood pressure level exceeds 210 per 110 mm Hg. Article, crises sometimes lead to death.

Hypertensive disease - risk factors

The main role in the appearance of the presented pathology is played by disorders of the central nervous system that occur against the background of the following circumstances:

There are additional factors that can lead to hypertension - the risk is increased due to:

Hypertensive illness - causes

So far, no precise mechanisms have been elucidated that provoke a steady increase in blood pressure. There are only suggestions as to why hypertension develops - the causes of the onset, according to cardiologists, consist in the progression of atherosclerosis and associated damage to blood vessels. Because of the deposition of cholesterol plaques on their walls, the luminal arteries narrow. As a result, blood pressure increases and hypertensive disease debuts. In the presence of several factors listed above, the risk of its development is significantly increased.

Hypertensive disease - symptoms

The clinical picture of the pathology depends on its degree and stage. The easier arterial hypertension, the less pronounced its specific signs:

The diagnosis of "essential hypertension" is established on the basis of:

Treatment of essential hypertension

Completely get rid of the described illness can not, the therapy is aimed at normalizing blood pressure and preventing complications. If a person has hypertensive disease of grade 2 or higher, medication is required. The treatment plan is developed by the cardiologist in an individual order. A mild hypertonic disease involves general therapeutic measures:

Hypertensive disease - treatment, drugs

To stabilize blood pressure, several groups of pharmacological agents are used, their appointment should be handled only by a specialist. When hypertension is diagnosed, the drugs are recommended as follows:

Hypertensive disease - treatment with folk remedies

Some prescriptions for alternative medicine help to quickly and effectively reduce blood pressure. They are recommended for use if a hypertensive mild disease is diagnosed. With moderate and severe pathology, folk remedies must be combined with conservative therapy. Without drug treatment, hypertensive heart disease will progress and lead to complications.

Prescription tincture for normalizing the pressure


Preparation, use:

  1. Rinse the vegetable raw materials in cold water.
  2. Pour bumps into a clean glass jar with a volume of 1 liter.
  3. Pour them with vodka.
  4. Close the container tightly with a lid.
  5. Insist the solution at room temperature for 2.5-3 weeks.
  6. Strain the remedy through a double folded cheesecloth.
  7. Daily 3 times take 1 teaspoon of tincture 25 minutes before meals. You can add the medicine to tea or water.