Raffaello from cheese

This original snack of cheese looks like Raffaello sweets, but instead of coconut chips we make cheese. The dish turns out not at all sweet, but a little bit sharp and salty.

Raffaello balls of cheese



In a deep bowl, put the softened cream cheese, crumbled feta cheese, add a little sauce, spices and chopped green onions. Then beat these ingredients with a mixer until smooth, cover the top with a lid and remove it in the cold for 1 hour, until the mixture becomes solid. Next, we form the cheese mass into balls with a diameter of 2 centimeters, put almonds inside, crumble every "Rafaella" in parsley and serve immediately on a table with cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes and black olives.

Raffaello from cheese and garlic



Garlic is cleaned and crushed with a press. Crab sticks rub on the grandson and pour into a shallow bowl. The hard cheese is also three, and we cut the nuts with a knife. Next in green olives without pits, we put in a few pieces of walnut. In a bowl, mix cheese with garlic, season with homemade mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. We divide the cheese mass into small balls, flatten them into flat cakes, put them on each olive with a nut and shape the balls. We drop them in grated crab sticks and serve them.

The recipe for "Raffaello" made from cheese



So, the cream cheese curls are unfolded, taken out of the package, cut into 8 parts and squeeze each through the scabbard. Eggs boil hard, cool, clean from the shell and also grind with the help of the press. Garlic clean, squeeze, add to the bulk, fill with mayonnaise and mix everything with a fork.

Now take a well-frozen crab sticks , cut off their red strip, and the white part rubbed on teurochke. After that, we form a small cake from the cheese mass, put the olive in the middle, sculpt the ball and drop it in crab chips. Thus, we make all the other "Raphaelki" from the processed cheese and put them in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Then we put the snack on the dish and serve it to the table.