The village of the tribe Himba

Civilization changes the face of the Earth and the people living in all its corners. So throughout the XX century, most of the African tribes lost their identity, only depicting the observance of the ancient way of life in favor of tourists. But there is an exception: in the north of Namibia there lives a tribe of the Himba, over which progress and the benefits of civilization have no power.

general information

Himba - an African tribe in Namibia, whose number is not more than 50 thousand people. This people does not count the years, they do not know their age, and for centuries keep traditions, honoring their ancestors. For a long time, the people of the tribe did not contact the white people, and few knew about them. The tribe of the Himba since the 16th century leads a semi-nomadic existence, engaged in cattle breeding. They grow special breeds of cows that cost a long time without water. Livestock - this is the main inheritance and wealth, which as food is not even considered. "Money does not give a new life," says the people of the African tribe Himba.

Life and traditions

The tribe of the hemb carefully observes the customs , worshiping the souls and graves of the ancestors and the god Mukuru. They have been living peacefully for centuries in the desert with a huge water shortage. Of the clothing hemb wear loincloths of animal skins, fixed on the body with straps. Vessels, hollowed out their pumpkins, replace them with dishes. The Himba people have a lot of unique knowledge about man and nature, transmitted and replenished from generation to generation. With money from the sale of animals, they buy corn flour, sugar and sweets to children. A small income brings the sale of souvenirs and handicrafts to tourists.

Distribution of family responsibilities

The distribution of duties in the Himba tribe is slightly different from those to which we are accustomed:


Much attention is paid to appearance, because it plays a big role in the Himba tribe, points to the situation in society and some phases of life.

Some interesting examples:

Interesting Facts

About the life of the unique tribe hemb will tell such details:

How to visit the Himba tribe?

All those wishing to visit the village of Himba should start from the town of Opuvo. There you need to rent an SUV for a 3 hour journey along the road C 41. Go better with a local guide who will negotiate with the leader of the tribe about the visit. The people of Himba are good-natured and smiling people. They do not seek any benefit from your visit and do not need all that they have never had.