Freesia - planting and care

Frensia came to us from warm Africa, but does not feel bad in the Russian latitudes in the summer. This wonderful flower has long been a favorite among many gardeners. The finest freesia flowers have a delicate and very delicate aroma. It is believed that this smell can overcome fatigue, and also relieve depression and irritability. The fragrance of this flower is very widely used in perfumery, so you will surely appreciate the magnificent smell of this plant. If you want to plant freesia in the open ground, then you will have a good service reading this material.


This section is entirely devoted to how to properly plant and grow freesia. It should immediately be noted that this flower can be planted with both bulbs and seeds. Freesia - a flower, the cultivation of which, with the necessary skills - a pleasure! So, where to start?

Choosing a site for planting freesia in the open field is perhaps the most difficult occupation of the whole process. Regardless of the variety, Freesia does not like direct sunlight and wind. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, it is worth considering these needs of the plant. Flowers freesia are thermophilic, so before planting make sure that there will be no more frost. Well, it's best to plant this flower not earlier than the beginning of May.

If you plant freesia bulbs, it is important to know the type of land at the site of planting. This is quite important, the success of the entire event will depend on the correct choice of the depth of planting the bulbs. If the soil is heavy, then the bulb should be planted only 6 centimeters deep. In medium hardness, the soil of the bulb is laid down to 10 centimeters. Well, when planting in easy soil, they should be buried 12 centimeters deep. After freesia blossoms, you need to collect the bulbs for storage. Collected bulbs should be dried before winter storage.

You can also plant freesia and seeds. To do this, you will need a special container, where you will sow the seeds. Fill the container with a substrate, level the surface, seed the seeds. Sprinkle them on top of a five-millimeter layer of substrate, cover with a film and put the container in a dark place. Grind the ground a little from the sprayer. Note that the seeds germinate for a long time, about a month, so they need to be sown in early March. Young plants must be planted in early May, as well as bulbs.

And remember that freesia is a guest from Africa, planting in the fall can kill the bulb if the winter is severe. For the same reasons, freesia bulbs should be excavated for the winter.

Care of freesia

Freesia was successfully sown, planting was successful, it's time to find out about proper care for it. This wonderful plant blooms, planted in the open ground, only a month and a half. But in case you cut flowers from the plant partially, shorten the remaining stem to 30% of its height. This accelerates the distillation of other freesia inflorescences, and also significantly increases the flowering time. Fertilize the plants twice a month. Use a superphosphate solution (30 grams per bucket of water). A good impact and introduction Potassium salt (a solution of 20 grams per bucket of water).

Watering these flowers should be frequent, but not abundant. The most optimal option - garden sprinklers, which irrigate the soil surface. It should also be taken into account that this plant does not tolerate high soil moisture.

To protect against aphids and mites, acaricides and insecticides should be treated as needed. From illnesses the fungicide "Fundazol" has perfectly shown itself.

Grow these beautiful flowers, give your site a fragrance from warm countries. The reward for the works will be a fabulously beautiful and fragrantly smelling flower garden - this will be a worthy payment for the efforts made!