Dry creek in landscape design

The tradition of creating dry streams in landscape design came to us from Japan, where they are very sensitive to the improvement of gardens and where water is an extremely important element . In conditions of a dry climate and the impossibility of creating a real stream with a stream of water, the wise Japanese invented a replacement for it - stones, as if waiting for rain to fill the channel again with life-giving moisture, and the stream will come to life.

Benefits of a dry creek in the country

The most important advantage of a dry stream is that you do not need to purchase water purification systems, compressors and other expensive equipment to create it. And especially it will not be necessary to look after it - neither algae, nor calcareous deposits on a stone stream will not be.

Create a dry can be quite simple and fast - enough 2-3 days to completely finish with the selection of places, stones, arrangement of the channel and scenery of the stream.

Different options for the design of dry streams

The idea of ​​creating a dry brook with a bridge is very common. The bridge once again emphasizes the idea of ​​a water flow, and the stone blocks already look not in themselves, but as if waiting for a real water flow that has dried up only temporarily.

As for the shape of the stream, it can be with winding outlines, or it may even represent a branched channel, which then diverges, then converges again. In addition, on the way of the stream can be found waterfalls and cascades. And it is the waterfall that usually acts as the source of the stream, from where it winds down and "flows" through the site.

By the way, a dry stream does not necessarily represent a stone stream. A dry creek of flowers will greatly adorn the landscape design. It is a kind of combination of the original flower bed and the idea of ​​a dry stream in miniature. And how the "milk" poured from the jug looks original. Such techniques incredibly decorate the landscape design.