Folk remedies against moles in the garden

The appearance of moles many gardeners perceive as a real disaster. Their fears are fully justified, since moles are capable of inflicting enormous harm on the site. The result of their activities is a huge number of labyrinths dug under the ground, the destruction of the root system of planted horticultural crops and the loss of crops. For those who encounter this pest, the question becomes urgent: how to get rid of the mole that was planted in the garden?

Folk remedies against moles in the garden

The mole is a small animal weighing about 120 g and up to 15 cm in size. The best time to catch it is considered to be early spring, as it is at this time that females acquire offspring. But to take the necessary measures should be started immediately after you find that the pest is operating. The most common method is to fight moles in the garden with their own hands, which can be as follows:

  1. Often used such a folk remedy for moles in the suburban area, as catching using shovels. Detect the mole is possible by the presence of furrows, which he unearths. He can continue the old labyrinths or form new ones. This indicates that the mole is at the end of the tunnel. To catch it, it is recommended to gently and silently make your way to the edge of the furrow and insert a shovel in the place where the pest's work area should be. Another shovel should be stuck on the other side of the mole. Then there are two possible scenarios: the mole can hit the shovel, which will lead to its death, or it can be destroyed with a hammer.
  2. Solve the problem of how to save a garden from moles, you can use mousetrap or specialized croton. They are installed in dug tunnels and left until the moment the mole enters the structure.
  3. An effective but labor-intensive method is to install hard materials (linoleum, slate) around the perimeter of the garden at a depth of 70-90 cm. Such an obstacle will be a guarantee against penetration of moles from neighboring areas.
  4. The appearance of moles can cause excessive watering of the soil. Therefore, reducing the volume of water can help in the removal of pests from the site.
  5. Meal moles include a variety of insects and worms. Therefore, it is advisable to fight them as a food source. This will contribute to the disappearance of moles.

In addition, folk remedies for moles include the use of the following intimidating natural substances:

These plants can be planted in the area of ​​activity of a mole. The use of natural components is considered the safest for plants that are grown in the garden, and the environment. Care should be taken when using milkweed and castor plants, as they are poisonous.

An effective solution to the problem of how to rid the garden of moles is the processing of the territory on which the mole is located, a concentrate containing castor oil. To prepare the solution, take 200 ml of butter and 3 tablespoons of any dishwashing liquid or liquid soap. The resulting mixture is diluted in the calculation of 30 ml of 4 liters of water. The agent is distributed over the site, preferably after irrigation or after the rain has passed.

Traditional means of combating moles in the garden will help you cope with the invasion of the pest at the country site. Despite the fact that it is difficult to cope with it, applying the necessary measures will help you save the garden from the destructive actions of the pest.