How to transplant a rose in the fall?

If there was a need to transplant adult rose bushes, you need to know some subtleties and nuances in order not to harm the plant and not regret after the event.

Overlooking the transplant of roses - the timing

Planting and transplanting roses in autumn should be scheduled for the period of mid-October. The plant should have enough time to root before the first frost. That is - he needs at least 3-4 weeks, the field of which it will not be afraid of cold soil.

Before planting roses, dug out the bushes slightly shorten, cutting long and dried shoots. But do not get too involved in this activity, because the main pruning of roses by the rules is made in the spring.

How to transplant a rose in autumn - rules

A new landing site must be properly prepared. Dig a wide and deep pit so that the bush is in it at the same depth as before.

To dig out the bush chosen for transplantation it is necessary very accurately: on a circle in diameter of a half-meter it is necessary to make a shovel notches, carefully to put a clod of earth and to take it out.

Try to save as much as possible roots and very carefully move the bush with an earthen lump to a new pit. After planting, the ground around the bush is primed and abundantly irrigated with water.

It is advisable to transplant the bush into a good garden ground, and make the first watering with the addition of "Kornevin" or another root stimulant. Depending on the plant variety, it is important to know how to properly transplant roses in the fall. For example, before transplanting bush roses you need to cut shoots to 20-30 cm, and if roses are curly , shoots are cut to half. Stamp roses are cut to 1/3 of the original length.

If you need to transport a rose for transplantation, then you need to put the earthen cloth on the cloth and tie it with a knot. When planting a bush, you can remove the tissue, and you can leave it - it will eventually rot in the soil. Just do not forget to untie the knot.