Psychology of Poverty

How many proverbs and sayings are invented in the Russian language, justifying laziness and inertia, and also sociologists have found out that poor people themselves avoid high-paid work and believe that such a good place will still get not to them, but to some matchmaker or brother. However, without taking any actions to improve his financial well-being, a person himself closes the door to a secure life. There is such a term as "psychology of poverty", and what it is - in this article.

Signs of psychology of poverty

  1. Constant comparison of oneself with more successful and rich, envy . Envy is a destructive feeling, and psychologists call it the engine of progress, because it forces us to move forward, to strive for something, to achieve new heights. Therefore, this feeling must be channeled into a peaceful channel.
  2. Lack of desire to set goals and achieve them, passivity. Many work for low wages and are doing nothing to change this state of affairs. However, as practice shows, wealthy people constantly strive to learn new things, learn, look for ways to earn extra money, combine work and rest. That is, they say, they are spinning and do not sit idly for a minute.
  3. The psychology of wealth and poverty is very different, but poor people are always not sure about themselves, their self-esteem is underestimated and an inferiority complex is developed. Often they have skills that would allow them to reach the desired heights, but they do not know how to properly submit themselves, prove to themselves and the employer that they are capable of doing this.
  4. Self-pity and resentment for the whole world. People who are at the bottom of the social ladder are accustomed to blaming anyone for their failures, but not for themselves. This is a weak position, the position of the child. It's time to take responsibility for your life and understand that everything created in it is the work of one's own hands.
  5. Those who are interested in how to get rid of the psychology of poverty, it is recommended to find a job that would bring pleasure. Unloved work will never spur on reaching new heights. Only a hobby or passion that brings joy, can become a source of income.
  6. Those who want to know how to overcome the psychology of poverty, one can give advice not to seek everything at once. In money matters you need patience. Only those who are not used to achieving everything by their labor, want to live beyond their means, take loans that they have nothing to pay, etc. Money requires respectful and reverent attitude.