How to stop lying?

Many people think about how to stop lying to yourself, and most importantly - how to stop lying to your loved one. After all, it is a lie, often the most insignificant and seemingly innocent, that causes discord in the relationship .

How to stop lying - advice of a psychologist

First you need to find out the cause of systematic lies. The reason may be:

If the cause is identified, you can proceed to the next step. Determine the reason for wanting to stop lying. The more causes and the more clear they are, the easier it will be to fight against falsehood. Often an incentive for stopping lies is:

Next - we give ourselves an installation to stop lying. Treatment of pathological lies requires great willpower and self-control, however, if you want, you can always change yourself.

In addition, you can find comrades-in-arms - people who have already gone through treatment for lying. A good option will be a conversation with a psychologist and loved ones who will certainly support this intention and help in the fight against falsehood. In addition, today there are many support groups, consisting of people with the same problems. Visiting such groups will help to meet the set goal faster and easier, thanks to the advice of experienced people in solving such a problem, people.

It is very important to identify situations in which lies occur most often, and learn to avoid them, or, to learn to overcome themselves and avoid lying. If a lie arises because of concern about something specific - the level of earnings, social status or grades in the school - you should try to get rid of these anxieties first.

How to stop lying to people?

If a lie is directed at specific people - parents or friends, you need to determine the cause of the fear of telling the truth. If not it turns out not to lie, maybe it's better just to remain silent.

If we talk about always telling everyone the truth, it's worth it to make a reservation - it's impossible. The untruth is untrue, and it is not always true, whatever it is, is appropriate. There is also a lie for salvation, which is justified and aimed at reluctance to inflict pain on one's neighbor.

In general, there are many nuances that it is very difficult to envisage fully. To lie is undeniably bad, but seriously think about it only if the lies become pathology and some dependence - a lie for the sake of lies.