Authoritarian personality

The notion of "authoritarian personality" plays a big role in world history, because it means a person inclined to authoritarianism and capable of organizing around himself a hierarchical structure in which everything is based on the fulfillment of his orders and demands. However, in addition to the desire to control everything and create an authoritarian regime, the personality of such a plan, as a rule, is endowed with outstanding organizational abilities, which makes it possible to consider not only world rulers, but also many modern top managers from this point of view.

Authoritarian personality: concept

First of all, the authoritarian personality differs from others in that it is the bearer of a rigid system of social attitudes. These people, as a rule, prefer stereotypical thinking and try to avoid close relationships with other people. It is believed that the personality develops in this vein from childhood as a result of overly strict education, which regularly suppresses the child's offenses and aggression against him to any other subjects, people or phenomena.

Authoritarian type of personality today

Many believe that an authoritarian personality is a person who initially narrowly thinks, without moral principles and moral values, who is able to promote his ideas only through violence and domination over others. This was confirmed in many studies of an authoritarian personality in social psychology.

However, the modern concept of an authoritarian personality has changed the point of view on this issue. Now, a broader view of the situation becomes urgent: such a person seeks autocracy, but he can go to this in completely different ways, both worthy and unworthy.

The theory of an authoritarian personality now says that it is wrong to evaluate such a person from the "good-bad" point of view, because in itself this phenomenon is difficult to be driven into such a framework. In addition, in our everyday life, many business leaders are just that kind of personality - and that's what allows them to be effective in their business.

Here it is necessary to understand that a person who presents equally high demands to himself and to others is a positive example and allows to discipline subordinates. But if a person demands a lot from others, but this does not correspond to him, there are problems, because such a person undermines the confidence in himself.